NR | 16 October 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
    info-87511 I'm lying in bed with the flu & on the tv Film 1 is showing the complete first season of Eyewitness so I think, why not? Despite the flu I just had to get up & say: I love it. excellent! Moody, well acted, it sucks you in. It reminds me somewhat of the other off beat serie I loved, Tin Star. Small town, new sheriff with a mysterious past & the unfolding of unexpected events (except for the main baddy being the main FBI man - I'm afraid I saw that coming some way off).Looking forward to the rest & I gotta say that for an American series the gay aspect surprised me. Well done all round. Watch!
    Mkdavis2 We watched this through the last episode when it fell in our ratings. Now I will admit that maybe I missed it when the phone rang, or some other distraction. But...Why did the FBI agent have such a big problem? He could have claimed self defense at the very beginning. Told the boys he was under cover and would have been killed if he didn't defend himself. After all, e was tied up in the trunk wasn't he? All the character development of many of the main characters, and I still don't know what the agent acted the way he did? And after the boys escaped the hospital and hitched to the Motel, how did the get to Philips Mom's? ....and why wouldn't the FBI agent kill them right there? It's not as if he didn't know that others knew what he had done. With all of the character studies, the last 15 minutes seemed as if the writer/s got to that point and suddenly realized ..."oh darn, how do we end this thing?" Very disappointed in the conclusion.
    atlasmb Two teenage boys have a haunting secret. And one of them is the foster child of the sheriff of Tivoli--a small New York town. Her past is shrouded in secrecy and she is happy to live unobtrusively where crime is small-time. She, Helen, is the center of this suspenseful series that starts with a murder and spirals out of control.Fortunately, Helen is played by Julianne Nicholson, who is eminently watchable. As she tries to juggle the demands of an alarming new case and the difficulties of fostering a teen whose mother is a junkie, she unexpectedly finds exhilaration in the gritty relevance of a "real" crime. Shot with a muted color palette, "Eyewitness" feels shadowy and filled with ominous intent. The musical score is moody. Even as the clues lead Helen into a wider story of corruption and crime, Helen is upbeat, bolstered by the support of her husband, Gabe (Gil Bellows. They are both veterans of "Ally McBeal) and her sense of accomplishment.The rest of the cast is solid, including Tattiawna Jones as Camilla Davis, an FBI agent who is determined to control the case and thwart Helen's efforts.This series is tightly written and manages to encompass many characters without feeling thin. I recommend it to anyone who likes suspense.
    sumirsmurf one of the boys, Lukas, is very popular, he enjoys motocross and has a girlfriend, Rose. He's terrified of being outed, and goes to extreme measures to make sure he's seen as Extra Straight™. The other boy, Philip, is new to town, he's being fostered by the sheriff and her husband, he films Lukas's bike riding, and doesn't care if people know he's gay. Living in a small town is frightening for a young LGBTQ+ person, and Lukas is relatable representation for the internalized homophobia and anxiety most people face in his situation. Dealing with the confusion of his feelings and PTSD from the murder they witness is difficult, and he's trying his best. Philip doesn't go around shouting that he's gay, but he also doesn't hide it. When asked, he will tell the truth, and he doesn't put up with the things Lukas does in his struggle, but he doesn't shame the other boy for it either. There's also multiple other main characters who get lots of screen time showing their plots, gang members, cops, FBI agents, other teenagers. It's a murder-mystery, so all the plots are tied together in some way, explaining everything.