Eve of Destruction
Eve of Destruction
TV-14 | 15 April 2013 (USA)

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    SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    menesis Particle accelerator, opposing beams of protons, power, vacuum, magnets, cooling... that's all the details about the experiment. Not even a black hole is mentioned in the movie. I'm not an expert of physics, but even for me there was way too little explanation what is going on. Aura? The only explanation of the glow above the facility is "aura" and lightning? Come on... Why electric sockets are set on fire? What happens to Denver whose high-rise buildings looks to be sucked in by a force field? Why that happens on the other side of the globe at Paris and London? We don't even see any destruction done except one district set on fire. I expected the movie to be more scientific than this. Instead, it focused on the main scientist's daughter and electrician's wife. There is not even a dedicated power plant for the accelerator, only a transformer station. All in all, the message of the movie seems to be that there are obsessed scientists paid buy evil corporations, and an opposing environmentalist group that is trying to stop the evil experiment. The bad, bad corporation also is growing gmo crops made from cancer metastasis cells just to make the company even more evil, even though the gmo thing does not influence the scenario in any way. So instead of science fiction we get a caricature of careless scientists on a leash controlled by evil corporation who together are ready to destroy a city for profit. And an Occupy movement that are "fighting" to save "our universe". This certainly prefers fear over science, and there is enough of this madness already. A cheap way to fuel the amateur anti-whatever opposition.
    suite92 Episode 1 (87 minutes)From Netflix: "Scientists drill a hole in the universe to harvest a limitless pool of 'dark energy', but the experiment goes horribly wrong and wipes an entire city off the map. Now, the effort to save the world, becomes the ultimate threat that could destroy it."What could possibly go wrong here? Who sanctioned such an effort?Modelling assertion: Dark energy is 75% of the universe. The intention is to tap this.Billionaire Max Salinger has a big plans--feed the world with engineered plants; supply the world's energy needs with dark energy. His Proteus Group has eco-activist opposition, P53. They start with the plants, then move on to the dark energy effort.Sub-plot: Karl and his daughter Ruby's ongoing dysfunctional relationship; his not resolving the death of his wife ten years previous.Sub-plot: propagandizing by the activist group P53. Ruby gets sucked into this.Sub-plot: Ruslan was in Russia (living in Lhitiska) as a lineman. He witnesses his town being destroyed by lightning. He moves to America, around Denver, and gets another job as a lineman. His second marriage is not going well.Sub-plot: Max is sleeping with Chloe, and Max's man on scene orders her to keep mum, even from Karl and Rachel. So the tech leads are kept in the dark about hardware problems.The first full-on tests have problems. There's a breach in the accelerator's coolant system, and Ruslan witnesses phenomena much as he did at Lhitiska.There was a fatality from this, and the cover-up started. Max entreats Chloe to stay silent about the accident. David tries to comfort and silence the relatives of the dead man. Ruslan finds Karl and tells him about Lhitiska. Karl tries to confirm or deny Ruslan's story with an old friend, Ilya. So much lying, so little time. Ruby joins with P53, and provides access to the Proteus project. Sabotage ensues. She provides passwords. She provides a security pass to get onto the Proteus campus. She betrays everyone, in other words, and the huge damage that follows is her fault.After the security breach, another proving test is started, and the effects are immediate. The neighborhood Ruslan's American family lives ignites. The full test is yet to come.Episode 2 (87 minutes)Karl and Rachel argue about going forward. P53 plans further depredations. Max wants to go forward no matter what. Ruslan's friends deal with their house burning down, the wife's mom dying, and their son needing an operation.Max uses Chloe and David to cut Rachel out of the loop, and do the experiment anyway.Disaster results: everything that could go wrong does go wrong. The dark energy source is found, and keeps coming to us, even when power is shutoff.Will the surviving personnel have any chance of closing the hole in the universe?Scores----Cinematography: 10/10 Excellent.Sound: 7/10 Some of the worst incidental music ever in the introductory credits. The spoken word is well done.Special Effects: 7/10 The visuals are good, but the incidental sound is goofy.Acting: 5/10 Steven Weber, Christina Cox, Treat Williams, and Aleks Paunovic are good enough, given what the screenplay had them say. Jessica McLeod, Colin Lawrence, Leah Gibson, and the P53 actors I could have done without.Screenplay: 6/10 Beginning, middle, end. Not so bad there. The P53 crew were not believable, which made the motivational parts hard to accept. Also, the amount of material here could have been compressed into two hours.
    canuckteach This presentation was a mess from beginning to end (thank goodness I had the PVR to fast-forward the commercials). Parts and characters are not re-connected, suspense is supposed to come from the fact the none of the characters (parents or teens) can communicate properly, and the action frequently grinds to a halt to allow people to express their otherwise suppressed feelings for one another. Along with all this, the plot line as expressed in the guides (and at IMDb) is INCORRECT. It is stated 'when two scientists attempt to discover unlimited energy, their experiment is hijacked and sabotaged by eco-terrorists. The result is a dark energy black hole that could destroy the planet. ..' ** Spoiler ** The experiment is NOT hijacked by Eco-terrorists - their role in the experiment mishap is very limited, but they do fashion some minor sabotage at a power sub-station. The threat to the planet is caused by some very stupid scientists, and some extremely lax supervision by the local authorities, when an energy firm starts tampering with some powerful forces that have already gone wrong elsewhere.No sustained action, crummy dialogue, inexplicable ineptness and decision-making by supposedly smart people make this 2-parter a prime candidate for a pass. Try any Brit suspense series instead for none of the above.
    TheLittleSongbird Eve of Destruction does have its redeeming values, and it is definitely better than Ring of Fire that had nothing to recommend it apart from Terry O'Quinn. The setting in Eve of Destruction has a good austere atmosphere, and while not mind-blowing the photography is hardly what you call amateurish. The acting from the four leads is also better than average, Steven Weber is good as the father figure, Christine Cox does sympathetic believably, Treat Williams makes for a great slime-ball and Aleks Paunovic has a moody and sullen sort of character and he pulls it off nicely. The special effects do stick out like a sore thumb though, while the rest of the production values saw some decent effort put into it the special effects look like a rushed last-minute job. The music is not very memorable, has a tendency to plod and it is unimaginative. It wouldn't have mattered if the characters were clichés, what matters more is making them interesting and despite the commendable lead acting the characters are not developed enough. The secondary roles weren't as involving as the lead roles, they generally lacked personality and were bland as a result. The script is repetitive and resorts too much in random and overwrought melodrama, while the story has a decent concept that is executed with a lack of thrills and tension generally that gets increasingly dull, illogical and cheesy in the second half(Eve of Destruction is a little better paced than Ring of Fire this said, and is not as exposition-heavy). Overall, was lacking and is not that great but could have been much worse. 4/10 Bethany Cox