Eureka Seven
Eureka Seven
TV-14 | 17 April 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
    oranui56 I'm not much into romance or mecha, but I don't have anything against those genres either and I read such great reviews for this series that I decided to not pass the opportunity in watching this.I unfortunately let the fans get to me. Whether you liked this show or not, a lot of reviewers will point out that the first half is fairly slow, I could deal with that, believe it or not, I thought the first half of the show was better (not a popular opinion, and by better I mean OK at best). As the series goes on to the second half, the plot get's more interesting, and also, makes less and less sense. This is probably the show's biggest problem. Things such as strange fish-like monsters summoned (somehow?) out of no where killing random people, some strange purple goo that hurts people, an old guy who has something implanted in his chest and is able to control the mechs known as LFOs, and more unexplained things that will easily infuriate viewers. The main cast of characters are in a group known as the Gekkostate, a lot of the times, you won't really know what the characters are doing because it is so poorly explained. Most of the characters aren't that good, some aren't so bad. The main character Renton can get annoying with all his whining, but he isn't all that bad seeing that he has some likable attributes. Talho and Holland were actually decent characters as the series went on. Eureka on the other hand has hardly any personality at all (typical Rei clone), half of her lines are comprised of "Oh, Renton" or "Nirvash, please!", or her just crying and then staring without emotion. The kids that Eureka takes care of are extremely annoying. The main antagonist Dewey Novak' motives aren't really that clear and what happens to him at the end isn't explained. Almost all the other characters serve no purpose other than just being there. Take Dominic and Anemone, they only exist to fill time and to add another couple to the story. I hear a lot of people say that complaints like this just means "you didn't get the message man". Yes, there were themes of love and family, but it was hard to care seeing that I head a love-hate feeling towards Renton, while Eureka was very boring. The only characters I cared about were Holland and Talho and that was pretty much it. I ended up skipping a majority of the second half of the show just to watch the end. That ending... was so terribly cheesy, I won't say anything to avoid spoilers but it was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen in my life. On the other hand I have no complaints about animation, it was very well done and it was hard not to like, the voice acting wasn't bad either (except Eureka who got annoying sometimes). I'm not saying this is one of the worst anime, but I certainly wouldn't call it a good one. If you enjoyed this series, that's fine, but I really can't see how.
    Kurush Day This is quite an interesting anime. The characters and emotions felt are top notch and have few equals. Watching Renton and Eureka is quite inspiring and truly lets the audience consider what love should feel like. If for nothing else but this candid and heartfelt captivation the anime deserves a watch. However, it had faults, some of which were too glaring to be forgotten. The plot essentially has two halves one was really fantastic ( the story of coralians and the earth etc. I won't say too much to spoil it for any of you). Sadly, the other half of the story, the antagonists or big bad guys are DRASTICALLY lacking. The motivations behind Dewie Novak (the supposed head honcho) are comparable to that of a serial killer in a "B" horror movie. This really becomes apparent toward the ending. That's another big complaint I had, the ending was undoubtedly rushed. The last 5 episodes felt horribly compact and blitzed, leaving many strings hanging. Now you may hear this and think I'm the kind of person who just hates strings, well I don't... but this show just unraveled the whole ball of yarn and flung it around the room. The ending was not a complete catastrophe though, the 2 protagonists got an ambiguous yet appropriate ending. There really just should have been at least 1 more episode. All in all this is a terrific anime, better than most. It won't raise many questions about life, and if you're looking for something like FMA, move along. If you're looking for a refreshing intelligent story about the power of true love, then you've hit gold.
    jeyru you can easily forgive the supposed "cheesiness" of the series due to its amazing originality. even if you don't like mecha all that much, this one can change your mind! sure it's a series that's structured around the growth of a boy and his first experiences with love, but i haven't seen that many anime series that have done it as well as eureka seven has. if you're into comedy, that is found in abundance - from a snicker to hysterical laughter. if it's action you crave, eureka seven throws you some, leaves you wanting more, then satisfies you on the next time out. as many people say on various eureka seven forums, character development is excellent, and i couldn't agree more.visually, it's not in a class of it's own, but it stands out pretty damn good. "slick" is probably a good word for the visuals, and that's what makes it so good. "audio-wise", there wasn't a single moment that i got bored of listening to the characters' dialogue and the background music. the opening and ending themes, were nothing short of excellent.during the lows, the characters and the music let you feel how deep the situation was, and during the highs, you could feel your chest thump like mad. the only thing i could say that soiled the audio experience somewhat was the Renton's English voice-over. Johnny Young Bosch tried a little too hard to voice Renton. stick to the Japanese version. for those of you that want a worthwhile piece of entertainment give this one a try. those of you who love it will love it, those of you who hate it will hate it. either way, it's worth the time you will spend to experience eureka seven! whether it be to praise it or to criticize it. obviously, i thought it was great =P
    siderite I liked this show enough to watch it all in a few days, but I warn you from the start not to expect too much. The main emotional hooks are adolescent love, respect for one's father, group friendship and saving the planet from military insanity (always a Japanese favourite). Of course a lot of people felt connected to the show.However, these hooks cover a pretty childish thing. You don't have that silly toilet humour or exaggerated emotional faces (except in the first episodes), but just about everybody in the show does whatever they feel like. It's not that they maintain a state of chaos, but that's because they also have feelings of honor, loyalty or respect. The few parts when somebody does something because it is smart to do it don't really affect the flow of the story.So basically this is a variation of "The one", mixed with a little Gaia theory and slowly going towards "The two" :)One can learn the following from Eureka 7 (why 7? I have no idea): 1. You don't want children. 2. If you see children on the battlefield, all crying and innocent, kill them. 3. Adolescents aren't much better either. 4. Old people are cool if they raise you then you never meet them again.OK, seriously now: nice animation, but I wouldn't call it great, silly music (aren't there nice Japanese songs anywhere except by Kenji Kawai?), interesting alternate world until they mess it up, nice story, but way too emotional, very little Mecha (the fights are sketchy and uninteresting). Favourite character: Norbu, the monk!