TV-MA | 14 August 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Frank Dudley Berry, Jr. There are some creative moments in this disaster, but they are negatived by a plot arch that contains more holes than a serving of Swiss cheese. Above all, the ramshackle story only moves forward because of some of the most feeble-minded police work you will ever see. Some examples, which are also spoilers:In Episode 5, the villain has been thwarted in his scheduled murderous plans. Enraged, he threatens to kill someone near and dear to the detective Renzo. Now, Renzo is unmarried and childless, and lives with his widower father, a paraplegic in a wheelchair. This is his only relative - the only person who could conceivably be 'near and dear'. Does Renzo deduce his dad is the target? Ah . . . no. In fact, he doesn't even wonder about it. There is actually dialog -'who could he mean?' 'Who will be next?' Etc. Unintentionally comic, which is not where you want to be in a mystery.But it gets worse.By Episode 8, the police have id'd the killer. He turns out to be a patient of the psychologist who is implicated (incidentally, the dumbest psychologist in the history of drama, one who got a kid killed by persuading him to re-enter a hostage scene, because the the hostage taker was her patient and 'i will control him'. The scene of her persuading the frightened adolescent to return to the control of the hostage taker is unimaginably dumb, and repeated several times). The killer has a scheduled appointment - in an office on the second floor without an elevator. He has already murdered about seven or eight people in incredibly sadistic ways.Do the police stake out the building? Nope. A few of them are stationed on the stairs, warned by Renzo to 'be sure'. (WHY???? Some other person may be keeping the appointment?) The killer shows up, and - of course - gets a drop on everyone, holding a knife to the psychologists's throat. He then manages to escape ON FOOT, while the terminally stupid Renzo embraces the psychologist, not bothering to call for fill and back-up units. The other police officers presumably are still waiting in the adjoining offices - because Renzo never manages to alert them to the event, even AFTER the killer has made his escape.This goes way beyond pardonable police error or bad luck. It is moronically stupid, and converts 'Epitafios' into one of the dumbest genre shows of its type ever made.
    Robin Cook I'd never heard of this until last night when I decided to rent the first two DVD's at Blockbuster. So, the user's comment about wanting to see it on DVD can have his/her wish ... a total of 5 DVD's.I have not finished watching all of the mini series yet, but am glad for this website. After watching the 2nd episode and loving it, I feared that this was some series leaving me with some annoying cliffhanger, so now I know I can finish watching this to the ending due to this site's user comments.Having only watched 2 episodes so far, I'm definitely hooked. Everything from casting, acting, camera angles, music, lighting, etc., is outstanding. My only ditty of negativity is regarding the few areas of subtitles that flash too quickly to read such as when translating a newspaper headline or tombstone epitaph, but, hey, I got the DVD's, so I can hit the reverse and pause (not so for viewers seeing it on HBO in real time unless they got some special cable service). On the flip side, though, at least the subtitles are in large enough lettering I can read them on my non-widescreen older & ordinary fullscreen television (I saw a trailer on a DVD for a new foreign movie the other day and the subtitle print was so tiny I gave up trying and determined I wouldn't be renting that movie).It took me a little while at first to get familiar with the characters ... and, trying to salt my food whilst reading subtitles I tended to miss a few things, but I simply couldn't stop watching it. The introduction art and music is stylish and very well done which helped me more with the 2nd episode viewing, but I already know I can't rely on being sure if these characters are going to be in the remaining episodes since a lead character got toasted in the first episode, which makes this miniseries have more anticipated twists than one would expect ... and is refreshing. Knocking off a character like this wasn't like watching one of Stephen King's movies where he needlessly and irritatingly knocks off just about everyone you think you care about (King's downfall I think).My local Blockbuster (hope it's okay to mention here), had a lot of good new releases this week, but no one had touched renting this miniseries, so I am going to have lots of fun viewing this weekend. The clerks at the store had no idea what this series was, but they do now, and one of them said she was going to rent it. I am glad to see my local BB is finally starting to have more TV series! My title comment of "refreshingly unique with flavor" definitely applies. As the various actors and actresses of the cast lit up their cigarettes I felt nostalgia of days past when movies had smokers ... real people type actors and no government activistic or politically influenced campaigned censorship to alter the flavor intended. It was just WONDERFUL!!! When the first actor lit up a smoke, my jaw almost dropped! Then, my lips started to form a smile ... and then a big grin ... I loved it! I felt giddish! This made them all more real, and the episodes I've seen aren't full of staccato forensic jargon streaming out of their mouths (I have a tough time watching Bones! I'll have to wait for that on DVD to fully appreciate it.). And, it is nice as well that the language content is kept clean of cuss words ... most refreshing and pleasant (got really sick of that with Deadwood! I've not watched past the 2nd episode of that series.). Don't get me wrong, cussing is acceptable and applicable, but in Deadwood it seemed even the actors couldn't say so many of them without seeming forced and unnatural.Perhaps my 10 rating is premature, but after reading other users comments here, I feel confident I will not be disappointed in viewing the rest of the DVD's. I recommend this for anyone wishing to view something uniquely different and refreshing with a stylish new flavor(and doesn't mind reading subtitles).
    NinaDulce I got hooked on Epitafios from the get-go. English is my first language but I also speak, read and write Spanish (my parents were portenos from Buenos Aires). I read another comment complaining that although the series was filmed in Buenos Aires, the actors do not speak in the Argentine dialect. I noticed that right away, and I was a little disappointed because I enjoy hearing Argentinians speaking Spanish...the way my parents and other family members spoke. But I understand why...this series no doubt was aired throughout South America and the story line really has nothing to do with Buenos Aires or Argentina...it could be set anywhere. But I have enjoyed seeing location shots of the city (like Recoleta)...I was just in Buenos Aires this past October.Epitafios is over the top to be sure, and melodramatic, just as are all the Spanish novelas. But there is just something fascinating about the series and I only wish that it would last longer that 13 episodes. I love the Sopranos (I was born in NYC and raised in NJ) but I think Epitafios is just as good. I can only hope that the producers of Epitafios will bring us more good stuff in the future.NinaDulce Clearwater FL
    Barry Weber This mini-series is so good I can't believe it. It is as good as Britain's 'Prime Suspect' and better than our 'Sopranos'. I relied on the subtitles, but no matter, the acting is superb! The city of Buenos Aires is magnificent-looking; no doubt to highlight the depravity of the monstrous killer. There are 13 episodes.......trust me.......after you watch the first one, you will be hooked and you will want to watch the subsequent ones as soon as possible. This saga is very suspenseful and at times down-right scary....So be afraid.....be very afraid. The production values are first-rate. HBO is to be congratulated for bringing this series to the small screen.
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