Earth Star Voyager
Earth Star Voyager
| 17 January 1988 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
    patricknijland I saw the film in 1990 and 2 years ago on TV. And even though it had aged during this period it still remains a good attempt to reach a broad public. Sure there are things in the movie that still are of a poor standard but the whole concept of travel to a new planet with the problem of distance towards it was in that time well thought through. In all films everybody still had the idea of using cryogenics during the whole trip. In this film however the idea of sending a group of youngsters is innovating. This film gives a good idea of how we (in the future maybe) really are going to far-away planets. The concept of people that would use this to their own advantage is also a reality that is worth considering. I would say that the film was innovating for its time and that is worth a lot more that the flaws in the film. If i were Disney i would try to make a remake and to make it perfect for this time with all the knowledge and special effect we have gathered through these years.
    bizchicken this movie was one of the BEST movies on TV we have ever seen! I remember taping this movie and watching it a couple of times.We used to reenact the fight scene between jacob brown and ... i forget his name, but that bald guy w/ the power bracelets.and what was that quote?"So long, Jacob Brown"...or something like that!GOOD STUFF.Why can't Disney make movies like this still?That "borg" type bionic person was SCARY, though!. FREAKY, for back then. didn't he turn out to be good? i dunno.I hope more people can enjoy this movie.i want to see an earth star voyager ii! come on, they're all really old now, they could play their older counter parts and we could find out if the humans ever survive!go humans!
    luckystrike6 Y'know, I guess I shouldn't be amazed that so many people have such positive memories of this movie, but I can't believe so many people share my impressions. I saw it only once, when I was 8 years old, on the Disney Sunday Night Movie, and had to wait a week to watch the second half. I can't say I remember much of the plot (a couple things stand out, spoilers I won't mention); but the look and the realism of the movie -- just the size of that ship they were on! -- got my mind going in a thousand different directions. I started drawing plans for spaceships; I somehow got the phone number for JPL, and called to ask them how you could rent a runway (the guy on the phone asked how big the spaceship was, and I told him really, really big =) I searched for copies of the movie until I was 12 or so and then I gave up, at that point uncertain whether I even had remembered the name correctly. And then...IMDb! I gotta get a copy of it, even if it's in PAL, even if it's a 4th generation dub!
    nwdillard I had taped this in 1988 and dug it out of the loser movie vault I own just the other day. My children saw the tape and decided they wanted to watch it. They were so entralled that they hardly moved during the show. After it was over they stated to act a little more earth friendly. I can say they learned the importance of protecting the Earth from this show. This was a lot of fun to watch again and to see where the "kids" that are in this show are now. I think one of them is on a soap.The perceptions they had of where we will be in the year 2088 are a little hokey but all in all it was great. The environment will be filled with acid rain and we will have no oxygen. Gee, it's the same outlook we have today if we don't do something quick. It was an exciting journey when I was young and my children found it an exciting journey today.