Dr. Phil
Dr. Phil
TV-PG | 16 September 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    DKosty123 This show essentially takes the newspaper advice columns and bring them to live on TV. Almost every show we have the victim(s) of a terrible human drama bring their problems to Phil for answers. Then Dr. Phil puts a home spun type of forum to it and suggests how he can help.Harpo Productions (Oprah) is the boss we owe this too. It is talk show format, and is a laid back version of human complications being presented on a static stage with emotional out bursts. Sometimes we get a special guest during sweeps to do Star Burst and promote their egos. I fully expect Taylor Swift will get a shot at this one after the groping case gets out of court.Meanwhile, a synopsis of everything goes, "Help me, I just had a nightmare about my problems and somehow visited an English teacher who gave me advice in French that I love to hate and I still can't sleep at night after getting a root canal on my grammar."The thing is, Phil has some of the same eccentric problems as his guests so in a simple way, he can always relate to them on a basic level. His personality and that level are the reasons for this shows success. There is harm in these victims lives. Phil tries to sincerely address that harm.Of course perhaps the thing to watch it for is the train wrecks of life presented without Jerry Springer's Final Word, or Maury's DNA test. Yes, Phil, you are the father, and sometimes, yes, you do get the final word at the end of your show.
    Dejan Dozic Sometimes Dr. Phil finds a subject that was never up for discussion. Well if you are looking for a needle in a haystack. And he is absolutely good at his "one-liners" in his shows. Sometimes it feels like a rerun, but then one notice that the stage is different and the people saying their lines different. It is "troubled teens", People getting ripped off by fake people. I think a show called "Catfish" has that on the show. Gullible old people. I think it is time to find a new topic. Or is that just NOT POSSIBLE ! What is not possible is to rate Dr Phil Show more than "2" (two). Promotes his own books and his wife's project a.s.o. It has become a commercial promotion program for products. And it is the same ones all the time. Time to close shop, OK !?Saw some shows that triggered me to raise my rating from 1 to 2.
    LiquidPoetry1921 It's frightening to think someone may take the 'advice' that this quack dispenses seriously ~ and its positively shameful how he exploits individuals strictly for ratings.To make matters worse, the salacious stories he puts on the show simply serve as an intro to him hawking something from his family every single day. Usually it's his own company 'Dr. on Demand', his wife Robin's make-up line, his son Jay's publishing company (which is 'conveniently' behind any book featured on the show), or his other son Jordan's music CD's.The advice Dr. Phil offers is nothing short of dangerous. On a recent episode that featured a VERY disturbed little girl, Phil advised the parents to take a different approach with her ~ where they would 'notice a big difference in a very short period of time'. However, when guest doctor Frank Lawless of the P & P Center suggested it might be a frontal lobe issue, Dr. Phil immediately cut him off and recommended his 'Dr. on Demand' app instead. Simply shamefulThis charlatan needs to be taken off the air before he really hurts somebody.
    the_frog_princess And there's a stigma to being identified as someone who watches them. Ignore the fact that he's become a kind of pop guru, and ignore the kind of dirisive remarks made by people whose self esteem requires they categorically scorn all things aimed at the class of individuals who would be watching TV at 10:00 on a weekday morning. A lot of what Dr. Phil says is good common sense. Even if he's saying things people already know, they often need to be told them anyway. Again and again. rrichr's review was so much drivel. Dr. Phil DOES urge people to reassess their goals, to determine what it is they want to accomplish, whether what they want is a realistic thing to strive for, and whether it will ultimately improve their lives and the lives of those around them. He helps people look for the lies that are being dished to them by the media. I don't agree with all the advise he has given everyone by a long shot, but overall he has done more good than bad. And his Ultimate Weight Loss shows have inspired so many dangerously overweight people to start a healthy lifestyle, I don't begrudge him his millions.