Dr. Kildare
Dr. Kildare
| 27 September 1961 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    turtlemom4bacon I never missed this show in the 5 years it was on. To me, it was the very best and used to tune out everything else on Thursday nights at 8:30. There was a lot of caring characters and many famous actors & actresses had guest shots every week. I wish they would release this on DVD. I would buy the entire series in a heartbeat! I would lobby MGM, NBC or whatever is necessary to get this accomplished. I have heard that a company in Canada is holding the rights, but do not know that name. If anyone else is interested or has more knowledge, lets try and get this done & released. Richard Chamberlain is a wonderful actor and people of all ages deserve to find out just how great he was when he first started acting. Nancy
    visionar7 I was 13 when the episodes of 'Tyger 'Tyger' with Yvette Mimieux who played an epileptic surfer...... They have listed both episodes as that they were on Dr Kildare however the way I remember it .... Part 1 was on Dr Kildare and Part 2 was on the show 'The 11th Hour'... I guess they even melded shows like they do today back then in 1964. I remember it well as my mom didn't want me to watch it as there was a lot of making out in it, and she didn't want me getting any ideas.... How funny is that!! I watched it anyway, as I loved the premise of the show surfing being very in that era, and I did want to see all that making out! It was a great show, and I only ever saw it once as I never found it again to watch..too bad
    schappe1 Ben Casey and Dr. Kildare were exact contemporaries, both doctor shows that began and ended in the same season and were the most talked about shows on TV when they debuted in 1961. People were always making comparisons between them and here is mine.One difference is that Casey was a resident, a full fledged doctor on staff at a hospital and a very prominent neurosurgeon. Kildare was an intern, a beginning doctor still learning the profession. If Kildare had been at the same hospital as Casey, Ben would have been bossing him around and making his life miserable.A bigger difference was what they represented. Kildare was a symbol of the early 1960's. We were a very proud and optimistic country at that time. We'd survived the depression, won the war, had the communists on the defensive and were beginning to explore space. Social changes were taking place as well. if we were going to be the Greatest Country in the World, how could we have poverty and injustice? We tended to look at our government and institutions as benevolent servants of the people. There were several shows from this period, (Naked City, The Defenders, Mr. Novak were others), where handsome young idealistic novices entered a profession to be guided by their wise, patient but firm elders in becoming instruments of the system. The big challenge was getting people to trust the system by not committing crimes, studying hard and taking their pills. And of course, it's hard to look at the young men in these shows, (Richard Chamberlain, James Franciscus, Paul Burke, Robert Reed), and not see our youthful, idealistic president of the time, John Kennedy.Casey was a precursor of the late 1960's. To him, the system was a monolith that existed for its own purposes and on its own momentum. You had to wrestle with it and with the mediocrity around you to get things done. Casey had a mentor as well, but Dr. Zorba often appeared to be more of a matador than a mentor, trying to tame Ben Casey, as he always called him, with a red cape and a sharp needle to puncture his ego from time to time. I'd rather wake up from surgery and see Dr. Kildare's smiling face. But I'd be more likely to survive if it was Ben Casey who had done the surgery.
    Rosemea D.S. MacPherson I used to watch this series and would not leave the house "for anything" the night the show was on. I remember my older sister asking me if I wanted to go bowling with a bunch of friends, I declined. I had this teenager's fanaticism for the series and a crush in a good way on Dr. Kildare, Richard Chamberlain (The Thorn Birds). I guess Dr. James Kildare was a big heart throb those days. I remember his boss Dr. Leonard Gillespie, Raymond Massey (All my Darling Daughters) calling him Jim. That was a nice series. I clearly remember when they did a love story where Yvette Mimieux was his girl friend and Richard Chamberlain sang: "True Love!" I bought his record and sang along like a crazy teen. I think she died of cancer, I guess, in that episode. I have no recollection of Mimieux being nurse Zoe Lawton (1965-66). My guess is because I was raised abroad and by the time I watched the series it was ending in the States. The last of the series probably never got translated. The series was about this intern and his relationship with his boss and his patients. It was today's ER with fewer interns. Just one! Dr. Kildare! He was enough! It was my favorite doctor series and I remember it, fondly!