TV-Y | 21 January 2002 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Executscan Expected more
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Angels_Review When I was a child, I actually liked watching this show. It was an American show that made learning fun for children. Watching it now that I'm older, its still educational in putting math to good use in the real world, to bad I learned all this stuff in 6th grade. As for storyline though, it needs a lot of work. The characters are bland, the storyline is one dimensional, and yet it's perfect for children. Each episode is its own storyline without you really having to see all of them except the first episode with intros. Almost all the story lines consist of saving Dr. Marbles or Digit from Hacker before time runs out. It gets really repetitive, especially for how many episodes it is. During the later episodes, it did become better with new enemies and fun stories.The show really didn't go for me anymore, the story being more for younger children rather then my range now. I'm sure if I was in the age range, I may like it.The artwork looks like they were done in a flash show, and characters have noodle bodies. They are over exaggerated, stereotypical characters children would probably get connected to. Sadly, they are really lack luster and somewhat bland.The script is cheesy, the kids sounding like they are really stereotypical of nerd, Teenage drama queen, and nasally guy. Digit 's voice actor was Gilbert Gottfried, the voice of Iago. Half the time, I wanted him to just shut up because he was always getting on my nerves. I did like Hacker's voice done by none other then the 'Doc' (Christopher Lloyd) from 'Back to the Future'! He has the perfect voice for the crazy evil geniuses. The songs are a bit strange and don't really stick out to me. They just feel really lack luster.The story hasn't ended and they are looking into making the show a 9th season but since the show ended in 2010, I'm not sure they will be able to make it the same. People who played the characters have grown up so I believe there is to much of a gap to make it good.
    Ellen S I'll never forget watching Cyberchase on weeknight evenings growing up...I would sing the theme song along and would figure out the math problems as they presented themselves along with Matt, Inez, and Jackie...and I confess that Hacker was my first cartoon crush! XDThe older episodes have so much originality, and I love the character design, and now looking back at it I can appreciate how the math and puzzles were cleverly integrated into the show without making it preachy and boring.To sum up, It was my first "obsession" and I'm glad they still have the old website up, complete with some of the older fact, sometimes I'll log onto just to replay some of the old flash games the have up there or watch a clip or two.BUT.Like all of my favorite TV shows from the past, Cyberchase's golden age had to come to an end. And though, unlike Arthur, I'm 99% sure they're still using the same voice actors, the story lines are garbage and the animation is appalling. I understand PBS is entirely audience-funded, but can't they possibly do better than cheap flash animation? It looks so cheap and plastic, all the characters look like little rubber cut-outs being stretched and bopped around the screen. :( in addition, they seem to be be focussing more on other topics than math, or at least on some of the episodes. Just today my little cousins and I watched a newer episode centering around recycling and reducing waste (oddly enough, the villain didn't even have a real villainous role in this episode...I don't even know what Hacker was supposed to be doing.) That's a great message, but hey. Aren't there already fifty nine episodes of other PBS shows about recycling? Yes! So why is Cyberchase worried about that? I don't know. They should go back to saving the universe from actual villains with actual dastardly plots.All in all, this show gets 10/10 stars...but only the original seasons. The flash animated crap gets 4/10 stars.
    woodway77 With due respect to "mc-kiernan" this is a fine show for young minds. My 5 (now 6) year old has learned several basic math concepts by watching this show, and I suspect it is actually geared towards slightly older viewers. Being an HR manager by trade I have absolutely no idea what "isomorphisms" are or, in fact, what was the point of the previous review, but in my humble parental opinion this is a great show that gently teaches concepts of math, and shows how the tenacity of the kids is rewarded. The "Hacker" character is, I believe, not intended to represent "criminal" activity but is simply posited as the "bad guy" of the show - in other words the message for the kids is don't act like him (greedy and manipulative). The additional "Cyberchase For Real" segment with live actors also helps with basic concepts like counting, measuring, etc. Overall I believe this show is good basic material for young minds, in that it is an entertaining show which also educates.
    Athanatos This show will make no contribution towards the production of future mathematicians or computer scientists. It may, in fact, alienate bright children (who, as I suppose, must then turn to the life sciences or to the humanities).The show is tediously paced because all of the characters are of less-than-average intelligence. The mathematical principles are showcased by poorly chosen parables. Isomorphisms are generally unrecognized.Visually, the show is unpleasant; others have produced far better animation with far tighter resources.The villain, Hacker, is always thwarted, but not actually punished. Crime seems not to pay, but it is almost costless to the criminal in this world.