| 14 July 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    fuselage-21685 Please.......Five stars......Quality acting for all.....great story line. More....more...more!!!!!! Our Best.......Richard & AdaI am told I do not have enough lines. So I will go on telling you how much my wife and I totally enjoyed all of you. Your TV presence was very welcome .
    ladymidniterosered1 This is a great show. It shows how real young people might react in these types of situations. Yes, some of the scenarios these young people are supposed to deal with would be and are difficult for their older colleagues. These actors go through a fairly realistic process to deal with them. Over all it is an interesting, and for me an absorbing drama. I agree with a previous review about this being better than some of the drivel Hollywood has dished out in the last few years. The one character I am having difficulty with is "Tracy" she keeps going on about professionalism and proper conduct in the office but she is constantly spouting her religious beliefs at everyone except her superiors. Seems to me she is using her somewhat higher position to utilize a double standard. Although,this is typical of many people in situations like this everyday.It would be nice to see this woman get her comeuppance Soon! A lot of viewers will probably laugh and applaud that episode.
    cmgilliford Unlike the OP I found this series to be fresh, crisp and modern. having worked in a similar setting I found it to be quite realistic. The acting by quite a young cast is well executed and the story line believable. There are interesting plot lines both professional and personal an the character development is being flushed out nicely. Admittedly some of the extras were a bit lacking but on the whole I feel that this as the show progresses it will only improve. After some of the rubbish we have been receiving from the U.S. I think this will give them a run for their money. it was a refreshing change from the all too familiar offing's from overseas and even from here in the past. I look forward to seeing how the series pans out and hope others will at least give it a go.
    jonmccann Oh my lord, someone get me a bucket, I have watched whirlwind TV episodes before, but nothing like this, jeez!! Five minutes in I was asking why I was watching the show, then at 8 minutes it had a reprieve with a promising storyline, only for that to be shelved so it could explore people and characters, why?!? This has an 11 episode run, why show me in 30 minutes every character (of which there are many for a small show) without any just cause or reason, except because it wants to.Pilot episodes should be succinct, they should be small and if an appearance is necessary, it should be seconds not minutes (unless a lead of course) with impact, if it can wait till a later episode, then even better. They should punch there weight, it should be gripping and to the point, it should have a promising storyline, with a let down, then a recovery....Textbook script!! This does none of that, it settles in the first 10 minutes on exploring what the place is and what they do, major error!! I know what a lawyers office does, I have seen many shows and even been in a few!! Not shows, but Lawyer offices!! This is just wrong, I hate to slate Australians, but of all the TV shows I have seen recently, this is typical, there is no decent storyline, it feels like they have taken a storyline, then added there own story around it, very disappointing and not a show I would watch to the end or recommend.Avoid this show and see it done properly, watch 'suits', great acting, good comedy and strong scripts, you could even say textbook!! If your looking for more comedy, try 'The Defenders'!