Crisis in Six Scenes
Crisis in Six Scenes
TV-PG | 30 September 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
    arisderksen I have missed Woody Allen acting in his own films. This Amazon project brings him back to the screen " cause the dough is good" as his character tells his hairdresser. In that opening scene Allen gives his testimony of this for him unique project. If you like the earlier films of Woody Allen, in which he always acted in the leading roles, you will like this. It's the continuation of the New York laid-back humour and wise cracks like in the film "Small Time Crooks". This is not a politically correct series and I appreciate Amazon didn't censor its content too much. Still, I think this series will be generally better received in Europe, where Allen's biggest fans are, strangely enough concentrated in Italy, France and Spain (countries where all his movies are dubbed). Standing ovation for Crisis in Six Scenes.
    stankian I finally got to watch this after quite a while from when it came out and well, yes, I loved it-I simply loved it. I really don't get the bad reviews - everything is so 'old WA' funny, the dialogues and jokes are straight from the old times, everyone (with the exception of terrible M Cyrus, so annoying I just wanted to shoot her personally) is right in the part - especially Allen, who does his thing that no one else of his other 'stand-ins' has been able to do. What is there not to like?? i laughed out loud so many times I lost count.
    Snoopy1 I'm a Woody Allen fan, but I wasn't sure what to expect when I read some of the reviews. Now that I'm finished, I honestly can say that I don't understand why this got slammed by the critics. Is it on the level of Annie Hall? Of course not. But I thought it was an enjoyable way to spend a few hours. Woody Allen's character is very Woody Allen and fun to watch him fumbling around. Elaine May and her gaggle of book club friends are amusing, but the funniest scene is with Trooper Mike in the last episode.I think the weak point is probably Miley Cyrus. I just didn't buy her as Lenny.
    Louise5811 Haters gonna hate! There are lots of sound reviews praising this movie, so just relax and don't pay attention to reviewers who admit they haven't even watched all of it. I really liked the film, and loved the chance to see Woody Allen alongside Miley Cyrus. Definitely not a pairing I ever thought I'd see, but it works! People who say she can't act (or sing) are viewing her talent through the lens of her wild past antics. She deserves the same objective appraisal of her performances as other actors and singers do. And her acting in Crisis doesn't disappoint. The same goes for viewers who have an anti-Woody Allen agenda. This is not a documentary about the man's life. While Crisis isn't his best film-- there are weak directing moments and a few noticeable continuity gaffes--the old man can definitely still write and still act. Give peace a chance.
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