Cradle to Grave
Cradle to Grave
| 03 September 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
    Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
    Freaktana A Major Disappointment
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    pensman It is the 1970's and Danny Baker's (Laurie Kynaston) parents are thoroughly estate people. In the states we would say to be nice they live in subsidized housing or to be a bit unkind, they live in public housing. His dad Fred (Peter Kay) is a bit of a wheeler dealer (not a thief but not one to pass up a good deal even if it might skirt the law) and one of the boys; his mom Bet (Lucy Speed) longs for a more regular and "moving up" life. Frequently it is dad's down to earth quality that saves the situation. Or exacerbates it but general with "good" consequences, not always but . . . . The series has some of the characteristics of a picaresque novel as Fred (Spud) relies on his wits to move along, has a tough time holding on to a job, and while in the later episodes there is a story arc (making sure the daughter has a nice wedding), by and large the adventures—especially of Danny —are incidents from his life growing up South London and are meant to amuse. Danny and his friends get in and out or trouble with usual high spirits, but on occasion a consequence can be serious: one such ends up with the death of a mate (friend). I know, this doesn't sound like a comedy but it is. When Danny goes to a show with his sister and her boyfriend, he is looking forward to it as the cast (Hair) has nude scenes. But when the dancers go offstage (completely nude), and Danny gets hit on the cheek by a loose penis, I just about fell off the chair laughing. And watching Fred and the other dock workers try to outwit the new breed of dock security workers before the docks begin to shut down is bittersweet as they try to liberate some sherry but confuse sherry with sherry vinaigrette. While Danny might not be a fan of school, he is a fan of the "future studies" class taught by the smoking hot Miss Blondel which sets up a conflict of choices between football (soccer) and the possibility of being in the photography darkroom with Miss Blondel. And when you find out how Teddy Arsewhole got his nickname, you will be laughing so hard you will be in tears.What we have is a nostalgic look at a time (not unlike any cultural/economic shift) when manual jobs were being lost; and the incursions of newer technology (VCR's for example) had not yet had a major impact. You don't have to be British to enjoy this series but some of the thicker accents could make an American wish for subtitles in English. Regardless, it's a great show in the vein as "Moone Boy," The IT Crowd," or "Spy" (Darren Boyd). If you get a chance to see it then be sure to catch it. Currently running on Acorn TV. And the soundtrack is beyond great.I understand a second series has been commissioned; but this really works as a one off.
    carolinetaylor-34554 I thought this series was superb - enjoyed the nostalgia of the 70's clothes, decor and lifestyles. Each episode is a story in it's own right but would recommend watching the whole series so you can follow the story lines that go throughout the series too. Each of the main actors are fantastic but I particularly loved Laurie Kynaston - playing a naive teenager! I have not read Danny Baker's book but am tempted to do so after seeing this series. Always a fan of Peter Kay - has he ever done anything bad?? Another plus is the music throughout - especially Squeeze's theme tune. Will miss it now that it has finished but do hope there will be a second series!
    mabuhay_2000 This series has been something of a surprise hit with me. I gave a miss initially, but then watched episode 1 on the BBC Player and was hooked. It moves at a good pace, interweaving the various threads throughout the episodes and across several episodes. The casting and acting is top notch all around. They've recreated the 70s superbly, too, and it really rolls back the years for those of us who are almost the same age as Danny Baker (I'm a couple of years younger). In addition, the music from Squeeze really fits the bill, along with a superb 70s soundtrack.And ignore all that nonsense about Peter Kay's cockney accent. It doesn't matter. He does a great job with the role of Danny's father.All in all, a great watch. I hope they push ahead with series 2. I read that Baker and Pope are already working on the second series.
    tiger-nation I'd been looking forward to "Cradle to Grave" since I heard it was in production. I haven't ready Danny Baker's book "Going to Sea in a Sieve" but I had heard several media interviews where Baker told some of his tales and they sounded fantastic (two of the best feature in episode 1).The show didn't disappoint. It's fantastic looking recreating seventies London. The theme song and the score are outstanding too. Each episode has been funny, well paced, established characters quickly and told great tales.The casting is also a triumph. Lucy Speed is tremendous as Danny's Mum, Laurie Kynaston makes an excellent Danny and Peter Kay is outstanding as Danny's Dad "Spud". I'm not a big fan of Kay himself but he is a really good character actor as proved many times and once you've got used to his cockney accent - he's brilliant in this. Without spoiling, some scenes are poignant and Kay particularly shines there.I'm not sure this has longevity as a series but as six, maybe twelve episodes, it will really make a mark as a comedy of very high standard.