Chelsea Does
Chelsea Does
| 23 January 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Diagonaldi Very well executed
    Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    Abegail Noëlle While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
    srkim This is not a documentary. To be fair, I'm not easily entertained or pleased, I want the stuff I'm spending my time on to provide some kind of cerebral and/or sensory stimulation, to surprise me with refreshing perspectives.Chelsea talks a lot but she doesn't say much. From the things I've seen so far, it's MAINLY about her getting herself high from being "blunt" and "provocative". The problem is that provocation without real content or any message is just as thought-provoking as your teenage rebel son's rude remarks on your cooking skills. You just know he wants to be an ass.I seriously didn't see what she could teach me or anyone else. What's the aim of this "documentary" series? "The college education you never had", wrote another reviewer. Well, that may be true, since some people work hard to get actual education.So, in case you haven't watched this yet, I give you a brief impression of what to anticipate by summarizing Episode 3: Haha, she makes her interview partners say that Jews and Blacks are cheap liars! Wow, it's so confronting, so provocative, especially she is Jewish herself. How ironic and self-deprecating! Haha, she questions the use of a hookah, IN FRONT OF a waiter with Egyptian roots. Savage. We got a badass over here! Haha, she just said that no one in the entire world is attracted to Asian men and she feels sorry for them! WOW, girl's got guts, she's so outspoken, and so so brave!Critical commentary on the compulsive political correctness in our "Western" societies as well as the wounds that racism brings to those who are affected, is bitterly needed. Chelsea Does it Wrong because Chelsea wants it to be about Chelsea. Too bad that Chelsea is not only incapable of capturing any valuable observations but clearly doesn't know the difference between smart, provocative investigation and saying offensive things for the sake of being offensive. (But at least she said it!!! Right?)Let's take look on another failed episode. A potentially interesting plot ('cause the older I get, the more I'm revolted by the thought of me being married) was handled in the most shallow way. Not saying that she can't bring her personal stories into this. But. The subject "Marriage" is not covered well if it consists of her delivering derogatory comments as a guest in a Las Vegas Wedding (oh wow, how daring) or her ex-boyfriend sharing uneventful memories after their break-up, what, 20 years ago? Seriously?Chelsea likes blunt, uncensored honesty, right? (As she keeps stating this over and over.) She is a 42-year old woman with a too-cool-for- school-attitude and the wisdom of a Youtube beauty vlogger.
    stevenyccb It has a 1 star average on Netflix from actual viewers. Not funny, pretty stupid, a bunch of degenerate dull nonsense. This is an election year and starting the show by insulting half of the country is just not smart. Bill Maher can be edgy and sharp without losing much of the audience, but at least he is smart and brings up good counter points. This host seems to be either high or drunk all the time - with a commensurating level of discourse to follow. It is like an ad for what happens when crazy old drunk loons get high on 'shrooms and talk nonsense out of their rear, but you have to pay for it (that is my real beef - I do not want to pay for this junk NFLX - if I am paying then get better content like more House of Cards style shows - I cut my cable to stop subsidizing proliferation of politically correct stupidity. Perhaps the world of Idiocracy is indeed dawning upon us). I could not fathom how this show got approved. I did watch some of her E episodes, and they were funny at times - this is not it! Could not watch it for more than 15 min - and tried it twice. Stay away! I think any positive reviews are fake or friends of the host.
    PizzaQuixote We watched the first episode of Chelsea Handler's new series on Netflix. It's kind of a personal documentary series, and the first one is "Chelsea Does Marriage."The cinematography is great. Some superb camera-work. Good pacing, and it was interesting for the full 80+ minutes.But it's not fun to watch, and a cruel heart is exposed. She covers her disregard for others with a sheen of comedy as she interviews a lot of sincere pro-marriage people during this episode about her own resistance to marriage. She mugs for the camera and rolls her eyes to show her disdain for these sincere people. Why is that cute or funny? It's not. Yes, cruelty is the heart of comedy, but this is just grown-up mean girls schtick.I've always thought she was cute and edgy and funny; but now I see she's mostly a mean girl getting nasty as her beauty fades. Even the most badly skewed comedians bring us back with some sliver of kindness or thoughtfulness - think Ricky Gervais. But the hints of humanity are too few here.
    baktash-hesaraki netflix hits us again.this time with a beautifully made Documentary. sometimes the jokes are scripted with a hint of dark comedy. the result is excellent and i go as far to say least i haven't see something so candid and honest. i enjoyed every episode.the racism episode and drug episode were the best of them.i didn't know Chelsea and i don't know about her past works but with this i became a fan and i want to see more of this kind of open discussions about these subjects.there are not enough people who are bold and honest.its only four hours and i think most would enjoy this show but be warned that she is not afraid to insult stupid ideas and people and i bet there will be a mountain of angry complaints from intolerant viewers.really what is the point of having this much freedom if you never use it.i would have loved to see an episode about religions too.