Call to Glory
Call to Glory
| 13 August 1984 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Steineded How sad is this?
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    john My memory of this show is vague, but I know I liked it a lot. I especially enjoyed Craig T. Nelson's dramatic acting, something I can't say for his comedic acting. I'd love to watch the series again if it were ever run. Sorry that's all I got for now.
    Joseph Harder About a year ago Professor Paul Cantor of the University of Virginia, who wrote that interesting book Gilligan Unbound, wrote an article for the Claremont Review of Books arguing that this was the true "Golden Age of TV", citing wonderful shows such as Deadwood,Lost, Rome, and Mad Men( I'm surprised he didn't mention "Friday Night Lights.) One of the reasons for the huge number of excellent TV programs nowadays is the existence of Cable networks which provide outlets for shows that appeal to "niche" audiences. As recently as the late eighties, a show had to succeed on the "big three " networks, or, as Timothy Leary once called them in one of his lucid moments, ABCBS. The annals of TV history are littered with very fine shows that were "brilliant but canceled": The Westerner,The Rogues, My World and Welcome To it, East Side West Side, Slattery's People- and the list goes on and on.Any of those shows would have found a "niche audience" nowadays on a cable channel. I know of most of those shows by reputation alone, as none of them is available on DVD. Here is yet another instance. This, In contrast, is a show I remember fairly well, since it aired in 1984( Which incidentally was perhaps the strangest year in my life-but thats another story.) The Call To Glory was set on an Airforce base in the early nineteen sixties, and was apparently originally intended as a "historical drama' akin to British historical soap Operas like the maginificent Upstairs Downstairs. ( Which incidentally inspired an American ripoff called Beacon Hill which may have been one of the worst, most stilted, TV shows ever made.)It would have followed the Sarnac family and its friends through the glory years of Camelot and the years of upheaval that followed. Sadly, the show never got around to the Vietnam war years( though at least one episode foreshadowed Vietnam.) This was a well acted, well written and stirring series. I would compare it to other "brilliant but canceled " shows from the eighties, All Fly Away and Home Front.
    sstet We loved this series! It gave us such a sense of patriotism and nostalgia. We remember events depicted happening. We lived the history shown here. Characters were real and believable. It was so much better than most of the shows today. It was probably too real and honest for the time. Today a show like this would have a chance. People are more receptive to reality and truth. People are looking for a reason to feel good about our past and our country. Craig T Nelson was great and we love that he went on to so many great parts. Cindy was wonderful in this and we enjoyed her later in "Pickett Fences." First look at Elizabeth Shue. We'd love to see reruns brought back. Is this available in DVD?
    yenlo This TV series was heavily hyped during the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles and the Pilot/Movie which launched it was quite good. The series however just couldn't seem to get off the ground. It appeared to have one to many characters which tends to spoil many shows. The writers it seemed were constantly messing with Cindy Pickett's Vanessa Sarnac and it left the viewer getting fed up with her in the end. The show was possibly a little ahead of it's time and perhaps if viewed today would come off better.