| 01 April 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    elavigne7885 One of the best television series to come out from Britain. Good plots,music score,etc. But when the producers decided to replace Craig McLaclan with Steven Houghton,to play the role of Ed,this was the down fall. Steven Houghton did not fit into the role playing Ed. The rest of the cast did a good job in their roles.but Steven Houghton was not suited for the role of Ed. Eventually the show was cancelled. But,the last episode,was very disappointing. This TV show is available on DVD and can be purchase from Basdvd.com or Amazon.com in the U.K. If you live in Canada or the United States,make sure your DVD player will play region two,European standard,used in Europe. Region one is the standard for Canada,and the United States. If your DVD player is a region one DVD player,on the internet,type in,video help.com. When the web site shows up,scroll down to hacks,press in your DVD player name,example,philips DVD 2800,this web site will tell you how to make your player region free. Most DVD players you can do this to,some you cannot.
    Karl Black From the first episode I have watched on television, I have seen them all. Most on TV, but the ones that missed on TV. I have watched on DVD. I have all the episodes on DVD, as well as the five books. I also do a podcast on the show, reviewing the episodes. The first episode I first watched of the show, was episode 3 in series 1. As this was the episode that was being shown on the night, I first discovered the show on BBC1. I would recommend you watching the show, so that you can find out what it is all about. Also as I watch the episodes again, I can see how much of the Docklands area of London has changed. Since the show was filmed. Most of the episodes was filmed around the Docklands area. The first series had got the most viewers, and seems to be the best series of the first. A lot of actors who were in Doctor Who, have been in Bugs. The reason I like this show, is because I think the stories are well written. Also the music is very good in the show, the opening theme is short, but good. The organelle three actors who headed up the series, are a good pick and work well together.
    simonhulse I only vaguely remember watching bugs as a child when i was 9 in fact and i have recently brought series 1 of Bugs on DVD. I have to admit that i had forgotten about it for years, when recently whilst browsing on the internet i found Bugs and thought 'yes i use to watch that, and loved it'. I thought why not invest in the 1st series of Bugs and see if i can remember any of the story lines. Of course i didn't but the fact was it was a head of its time and you could argue that the equivalent today is Spooks on the BBC , which again i love.I have to admit that I've loved watching the old programmes on DVD, the programme is similar to Spooks but it is obviously got its own unique make up of which is great to see again. Without spooks on at the moment I'm really enjoying watching the old team on DVD. Does any one know what they are all doing now? Could they not be repeated on the BBC again? It would make my day if they could!
    Angus Gulliver The first series, apart from the epsiode "Assasins Inc." I thought was very good. For the first time in many years the BBC had applied a proper budget to a drama programme and added an element of SF/fantasy. Brian Celmins (who helped devise The Avengers) was a story consultant and the whole thing worked well. After that things tended to go downhill, with the scripts getting less believable even though today, some years on, the idea of a computer virus attempting to take over the world through the internet isn't quite as far-fetched as we thought!There were some entertaining episodes in later years but the ratings dropped from an excellent 9-10 million in the first series to more like 6 million I believe, and the BBC pulled the plug after four series.