Britney and Kevin: Chaotic
Britney and Kevin: Chaotic
| 17 May 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
    Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    sttaresss This is probably the worst excuse for television programming since, oh, I don't know, WHATS HAPPENING NOW? NOTHING ever happened on this ridiculous "series". Even though it's mostly shot by Britney and Kevin themselves, you don't get any good details into their personal lives. It's mostly just them making stupid, jokey small talk and acting like white trash. Look, I love Britney's music as much as the next babe, but this show is just pure filler for a nation so addicted to Britney that they would watch her clip her toenails (yes, that could be an actual episode). Thank God these two broke up, because they were PAINFULLY dull together. This show is TOXIC!
    carlosfilipe12 this one of the best celebrity's reality shows a ever saw. we can see the concerts we can see the life of Britney, i love the five episodes. i was always being surprised by Britney and the subjects of the show i think that some people don't watch the show at all we can how a great person she his. she his really funny really gentle and she loves her fans and we can see how she loves her work. i just don't give a 10 because of k-fed he his a real jerk he doesn't seem to like Britney at all. I they make a second season of this great show because it shows at some people how Britney really is. Go Britney your the best and you will never leave our hearts.
    ldavis-2 Britney is not only a narcissistic, empty-headed twit, but she is not a nice person. Kevin is even worse, a third-rate gigolo who can barely put a sentence together! Her bodyguard fears that she will be taken advantage of by this "punk," but why does he care? Lord knows he can find another narcissistic, empty-headed twit to get coffee for!I was hoping to find out what it's like to be an A-List celebrity. Aside from pointing out photographers outside her hotel, Britney putts around her suit, bitches about its decor, smokes, runs a treadmill, quizzes her minions on how they like to have sex, and shoves her camcorder in Boy Toy's face. We don't get any sense of what it's like to be on tour, but Britney complains that the person who scheduled hers "must have been out of his mind," as if she is some hapless pawn who has no control over her life. Boo Hoo!
    Bocna This show is awful, after reading some really funny and scathing reviews for it in Entertainment Weekly I just had to see it for myself and am left dumbfounded. Whether you like Britney or not, what is the demand to see how she fell in love with her husband? There is none. Its kind of strange and ironic how she says she's just a "normal" girl yet what normal girl has her own show simply documenting her love life? Short answer: not many. The fact is she's not normal. She's hugely famous and incredibly rich. Add to that her lack of intellect, obsession with sex, and severe egotism and you've got a very extraordinary and morally lax girl.It seems to me the only people who could possibly enjoy this show are extreme Britney fans and Britney haters who would like nothing more than to see her make a fool of herself which she does plenty of in Chaotic. Then, there's people like me who are just curious. Some reality shows can be good b/c since the people are "real" you can feel for them and want them to do well and be happy. But, there is nothing of value in this show. Its just some kind of misguided propaganda or maybe just maybe Britney is dumb enough to think the American people actually care about her private life. Whatever happened to the good old days when celebs fought valiantly to keep their weddings, pregnancies, babies,etc. out of the the public eye? I don't know much about Britney the star or Britney the girl but I do know one thing, I don't care.