Breaking Bonaduce
Breaking Bonaduce
| 11 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
    Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    postmanwhoalwaysringstwice As a genre Reality-TV has been one of the worst plagues to overtake popular culture, however VH-1's "Breaking Bonaduce" seems to have hit on a winning combination of televised entertainment and documented life. Taken at face value, it follows the "Patridge Family" star, Danny Bonaduce, deep into his middle-age. He's been married to his wife, Gretchen, for the past sixteen years, and is presently a foul-mouthed, abusive, alcoholic husband, who is resistant to change, and has an addictive personality whether it be for drugs, women, or himself. His train wreck life, which he often blames on his status as a child star, and his train wreck marriage, as shown on the show present Danny as the real-life heavily flawed embodiment of Tommy Gavin (ala FX's "Rescue Me"). Danny's life and personality seem to be so chaotic and so volatile that it's impossible to keep from watching the impending self-destruction. It's unreasonable to assume most of this show is a put-on since no one involved can act that well, which leads the audience to wonder why anyone would permit cameras in so close on their tarnished reality. Nonetheless the upsetting and the heartbreaking make for some solid entertainment, via a well-produced cautionary tale.
    tamstrat Watching this reality series is like watching a slow moving train wreck, it's awful, it's horrible but you can turn away.What to say about Danny and Gretchen that hasn't already been said? They are both celebrity whores big time to allow cameras into the meltdown that is called their marriage.This is the second season and sad to say, things are not improving for the family. During the first season I had a lot of compassion for everyone involved, but now I am beginning to think Gretchen is using Danny both monetarily and for the "fame" itself. Not that he is perfect, God knows how F****D up he is, and I'm sure living with him would be difficult at best, but to make the man beg and grovel and not to let him touch you? I don't get it, either you love him and are willing to give it another go for the like 1,000th time or for God's sake cut him loose!!!! He deserves at least some honesty for crying out loud. She seems to get off on him telling her how much he loves her and needs her and can't live without her and she acts as if she could care less. She's a heartless bitch in my opinion. The recent episode of her going to Boston with him proved that. She went to look like "Gretchen Bondaduce, supportive wife" in public and then they get back to the hotel and she invites him to sleep in her hotel room and then tells him he is not to touch her? What the hell? I don't get it.And Dr. Gary, what is up with this guy? He looks like he has been Botox'd to the max, he can't even move his face when he is chastising Danny and he has obvious anger towards Danny that tends to make him side constantly with Gretchen. They are like 2 sorority sisters getting together to cut up poor Danny. Don't get me wrong, Danny pushes everyone's buttons, but Dr. Gary always sides with Gretchen instead of trying to stay impartial and make both the adults in this relationship own up to their dysfunctional ways. Gretchen is not the perfect saint that Dr. Gary tends to make her out to be. I think she is totally manipulative.The obvious victims in this whole mess are the 2 Bonaduce children. How sad for them that their mother hates their father and encourages her young son to make fun of his father's bipolar disorder!!! In 20 years we will probably be hearing about these 2 kids multiple stints in rehab, arrests, etc.Watch this show if you must (I have to say, once you start watching you can't stop)but don't be surprised if it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
    rennelsmagon Maybe it's because Danny got me through many a morning drive in hideous rush-hour traffic (STAR 98.7), but I feel for this guy. I feel even more for his family. This is a guy who's been through some serious pain in his life. He's always been very open and honest about his life on his radio program, but that's what made him so real and unpretentious. Most of us can't identify with that, and yet we stand to make segment's on it. I keep watching, rooting that he will pull through.It's sad that people who don't really have a clue (Yea buddy, his name isn't Dante "Danny" Bonaduce. Dante is is son.) are commenting.I only wish he and his family the best.
    Jeff Goodman First off, I don't usually watch reality TV shows. However, I was always intrigued by Danny. As an adult, he always came across as funny and glib, and not at all whiny like a lot of the former child stars you see who blame their parents and the industry for their drug & alcohol addictions and deviant behavior.How real is the show though? Obviously, Danny has a lot of inner demons and addictions to work out. I get the feeling though that a lot of the show is fake, due to the cameras following him around, and the pressure to make his life seem more chaotic than it might really be. Let's face it. If he worked out his problems in 3-4 therapy sessions, the show would be boring. People watch the show to see the "train wreck." Previews already show him shooting himself up with steroids, and going into a "roid" rage in the streets.Danny is a professional actor. The more crazy and dramatic he acts, the more people will be intrigued to watch his show week after week. I don't deny that we partially see the real Danny, but who knows if he ups the ante on the dramatics to hook in the viewers.I would be interested to hear what other think about BREAKING BONADUCE.JG