TV-Y7 | 02 June 2001 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    jafakin06 of all the times i watched that show i never knew it was Alicia Silverstone who played soon as i saw that in here i started to crack up.i mean the only t.v. show i've seen her in is clueless as a matter of fact i watched clueless today too but it's like the episode that i've seen a million friend was actually the one who told me about brace face and i started to watch it 24/7. every time it came on ,and my sister watched it too even when she was like 17 and 18 she told me about it i'm just really shocked by doesn't even really sound like her in brace face either. Sharon's voice sounds. ......i can't even explain it but now i know that it's her who is the voice of Sharon in brace
    dancing_naked I find this show intriguing. I mean, here's this girl who has braces and feels that life is ending, but she can only see the bad side and not the good. The braces give her a conscience, a sense of direction. Sure, they get her into trouble sometimes, but they help show here wrong from right in some weird way. Sharon is like most (not all) girls at 13. Boy crazy, struggling to fit in and feeling like a loser. She deals with real issues, has real beliefs, but at the same time struggles with conformity. Its not all about the Braces, but trying to fit in when it seems impossible. But she learns her lessons and when she gets them off she'll be grateful, like me, and all the other former "bracefaces" out there. :) Go Sharon.
    SBKnaack This is a great show. While the animation is fairly basic, the themes of the show are relevant and the stories well done. This isn't high drama. It's a show aimed mainly at people in middle school, although i find many of its subjects can apply to anyone from grade school on up. I m an adult, I watch it, I like it. Many of the episodes deal with useful topics, like what to do--and not to do--when: your boyfriend dumps you, you aren't in the popular crowd, you do stupid embarrassing things at school and everyone knows about it, or your friends begin hanging out with people you don't like. It's all pretty basic and everyday, but it is well done and appears in a format that isn't "preachy." I could have benefitted from a show like this when i was 14.
    MsMovieFan I used to love this show; I used to love how it gets into a typical teenager's head, and how Sharon Spitz deals with all the typical teenage dilemmas....Then the reality hit me.This programme isn't realistic at all. First of all, the whole show is based on how she hates wearing braces, which delivers the message that braces are a bad thing, which they're not because teenagers all over the world wear them, and many more will wear them in years to come. Sharon Spitz makes it sound like they're the worst thing to hit the world since The Plague. I'm going to get braces in a few months, and I hate how the programme tells me that I will be frequently teased (which doesn't make sense, as I said before - so many teens wear them, they're as common as glasses.....).Also, it gets on my nerves how shallow this girl is. She seems to have the perfect life. Nice friends, loving family, semi-popular, pretty, skinny, good grades (and she goes out with the school hunk, this is supposed to be a realistic show? I hardly know any girls who go out with the most gorgeous boy in school....) and she doesn't appreciate any of it, because she's so self involved. Suddenly she gets braces and OH NO! Her perfect existence is ruined!!! (Even though she keeps the friends, the family, the popularity, the looks and the school hunk discovers he likes her for her personality....).I mean, no-one ever dies in the show, she never gains weight, she never gets pimples, her grades never slip, she never gets depressed - so Oh, I'm sorry - there are a few dramas. Like starting her period or having to choose between two (gorgeous) boys who both adore her....Wait, no, that doesn't count.I can't stand the whining....irritating...moaning. Shut up GIRL!So, it's a good show, and teens will like it. But they can't expect their lives to be as lovely as this "typical" teen.