| 02 August 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
    Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    yasharnaman-791-956322 Love the show! Super funny! And have a crush in Andy Church
    ryanmportland It is shot the same way as the office and done well. The writing in this show is great, it's simple, funny and the put together great. There are no great joke lines, but the observation comedy written is spot on. While the writers will never win any awards, they should. The character of Clive, could have his own shown. He is the over the top and keeps catching me off guard with his commentary, causing uncontrollable bursts of laughter. The female "eye candy" Dandy Angy plays more of the straight character caught in the middle and doesn't get many great lines. The show puts her in a couple situations where she can draw some laughs though. A lot of comedies come off as corny, this is not one of them. Watch it and laugh. If you are Posh or a hipster, don't watch this. You won't get it.
    Ruby Rochelle Is it funny? sure, if you have never watched the office. I just cannot get over that it is literally a direct rip-off. I even researched it to see if it was a spoof of the office or had the same writers or something this is insane. In a bad way. I'm actually so distracted by it. I have not watched the original British version of the office but I have watched the American one you literally have everyone's character in there. Micheal Scott, Pam.... even the same premise where Micheal always confides in Pam even though she's not into it. The female boss is a total clone of Michael Scott. Jim is a total clone they even have the same Pam, Jim relationship. The baggage guys are the warehouse guys. In the first episode, you even have the same exchange as the boss goes to the baggage guys and pretends she's there all the time. The dwightish character, I mean at least they changed him up a bit. Ugh, the looking at the camera, the meetings, it's honestly too much. Would have been a good show if they had AT LEAST switched up the characters a bit. I just can't continue watching. I wonder what Ricky thinks about this!
    dreamgavino Before I watched this show, I was like oh great another "mockumentary." But I was pleasantly surprised because it made me laugh several times.It's very reminiscent of The (U.S.)Office. Not just the format, but the overall vibe (the mundane setting, the quirky characters, etc.). I can already see a Jim and Pam...and a female Michael Scott...and a less angry more "dweeby" Dwight. The baggage guys? They're awesome. I don't know if it was the actual jokes or the way the different characters delivered them that makes the comedy so fresh, but I definitely want more. Kudos on the casting. More please. =)