Bonus Family
Bonus Family
| 30 January 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    SunnyHello Nice effects though.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    apes-30375 Unfortunately I think it is a very good show. However many times I have wanted to stop watching because although the writing, characters, and story line are very well done. "Eddie" is an out of control horrible spoilt and undisciplined brat. With a bad attitude and foul mouth on him. He is a bully he is rude and and is a complete and utterly annoying iratation to watch. ABOSUTELY DREADFUL!!!! And the parenting or complete lack of it I find disgusting. The adults come across as mindless fools when it comes to Eddie with their reactions or lack there of are outrageously unbelievable. Everyone I have ever spoke to shares the same opinion, the characteristics of Eddie are so off putting and unacceptable that they are the reason many people have or are considering to stop watching the show
    jonkersanne Watched season 1. I like the show, but did not love it. Its put well together. Pro's: modern day western family themes, dry humor, sometimes surprising, funny moments. There are some characters very dominant in the show. But I like the scenes with the less dominants characters as well (even more sometimes), like the two therapists (nice to have an "outsiders" view, funny lines), Martins mom and friend are also nice to have in the show and Henrik (nice humor). Would love to see more of them, a storyline. I Like Katya as a character, she is more "layered", interesting person. Love this kid Wille. He is adorable.Dislikes: the forever and ever arguing, fighting between, well, everybody. It does not always add something to the show/storylines, in my opinion. It gets bored even, its shallow. Like they cant even have a normal conversation as adults. This kid Eddie is very dominant and annoying... He shouts, calls his bonusdad/others names, in every episode! Oh my, horrible. It bothers me that he does not get disciplined on this. Also, the "new" couple fight a lot, it seems not realistic that they have a good relationship. Suddenly, right after a argument (and thats everyday...) they have fun again, huh... Martin is not always very reasonable, picking fights. He behaves childish, narrowsided (cause he is hurt..). He annoys me as well, good playing by the actor *). He can be funny though. The daughter could have a better storyline, more scenes and text, in my opinion. She is there, but not really. So bottom line, I would like a little bit more depth in the storyline(s) and less superficial arguing. Will see what happens in season two...
    bshaef An absolutely entertaining uncomfortable wonderful show with great actors. I went through almost the same situation and its comforting to know that it happens all over the world and is not unique to me or the US.
    vickerthelegend I'm a big fan of anything scandanavian . Great show top notch acting . Really captures modern European family life.