TV-14 | 05 October 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Smoreni Zmaj I really can not watch anime. Everyone around me likes them, and I really wanted to give them a chance, but it bores me to death. My dear was watching the whole series two times and was ready to watch it again just to hook me, but watching Bleach is an agony for me. The subjective impression after the first few episodes is about 3/10, but I am aware that this is unrealistic and more a consequence of my taste than the quality of the series. The series has good characterization and a very interesting story, and I'm really interested in how it evolves, but the animation is poor, and the directing is horrible. The fight scenes are virtually unwatchable. Instead of raising the level of adrenaline, I was struggling not to fall asleep. Watching TV should be a pleasure, not a maltreatment, and therefore I give up and leave it unrated. (Rating on IMDb is there just for series to appear in my list of watched titles.)
    karltondolo OK then. So, um, Bleach. Were do I begin with this show. So the story is about Ichigo Kuraski who apart from being able to see ghosts, he is just an ordinary high school boy, until a ghost threatens his family and a soul reaper called Ryuika gives him the power to be a soul reaper. Now the plot were I stand does seem OK, but the characters just seem to be typical shoenin jump characters. I just feels like Naruto with swards with nothing different or interesting about it. Another reason why I don't like the show is that even without fillers, the story just drags on and on, never really going anywhere, but I guess that's to be expected from Shonen Jump. None of the characters really appeal to me, as these type of characters are very common in most anime. I don't know, after the second arc of the show the third and fourth one's are just re-hashes of the second arc, just a different character who is in need of rescuing. I stopped the show after a certain fight, as I knew that this show wasn't worth watching. I think because I wanted o watch this show for the plot twists, but even the twists were'nt all that great. However, there were certain twists that I didn't expect that were cool, but that's about it. Overall, I think it's an OK show, but possibly not the best.
    residentgrigo This is my review from mangaupdates and i stopped reading the manga somewhere aroud Vol.50. The anime is identical with at least 1/3 of it devoted to filler:I stumbled upon the anime many moons ago when it was new and i was an older teen. I liked it just fine but switched to the manga later to save time as episodes became too drawn out even without the filler. I then quit the manga just before Vol. 50 entirely and started to hate it now. I am currently 24 and still deem the first two arcs (till Soul Society ended) as decent in retrospect but the word "empty" describes them best. Good art (but never backgrounds), fine choreography and decent ideas were commence but any from of substance was lacking. To quote user strixflash "Bleach was never a plot driven manga" and that was true even then but the narrative utterly stopped when arc 3 began and the unending action scenes turned into the following: Two "awesome" underwear models with mullets of power meet, begin to stand in the air and beat each other up with super moves for no reason till someone wins or they agree to become friends. No one ever dies but the word death / i'll kill you are the most dominant sentences in the entire manga. The female characters are big breasted moral support only too but i will note that their sexualisation isn't as dumb as in most such series. I thus quit the manga after that arc was finally over and never looked back. The series apparently still sucks (500+ chapters and a dead spin-off are the stats now) and it finally started to loose both fans and an anime (!) but i am out for good. As many problems i have with One Piece and Naruto now i still have fun with them so go for the rest of the Jump trinity instead. Claymore (8,5/10), Hunter x Hunter (9/10) or Rurouni Kenshin (10/10) are lastly how modern shounen battle manga need to look like. Don't even get me started how much better the action (or everything else) is in the adult targeted Berserk, Kamui Gaiden or Until Death Do Us Part is but these were done by masters. The only thing of note about Kubo Tite is his glamorous hair and that he created the memetastic Aizen while the "prequel" Zombie Powder is even less interesting than Bleach. I wonder if he will even start a third series as the final arc of Bleach was apparently changed back to not being a finale... Money never sleeps. Even among the dead!
    ianchivers72 I watched about as much as I could with this anime, I have to say I love the idea, I really enjoy the characters, the plot and the theme. But then reality sets in....I don't have the time or patience to deal with the fillers. Some people really enjoy all that "charming" filler episodes but I do not. I don't have time to watch 5 episodes, that could be very effectively put into one. Its frustrating, you watch the episode and think "why did i waste my time"?Then the filler season came in and I stopped. This is just like Naruto, Great idea and theme. Then you weigh up how good is the show, and how much time do I have to waste to find out where its going.
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