| 25 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    devonmmunn I started watching this show after I saw it in the see also section of the Redfern Now wikipedia page saying it deals with similar issues, although this show does differ from Redfern Now (as Redfern Now is a contemporary show while Blackstone is a crime drama with political intrigue)While the pilot starts very shoddy and shaky, it overall gets better. I was invested in the story and the characters. I cared about what happened to them, Season 1 was full of tension and stakes, having me in the edge of my seat.Although the show is flawed, like I said earlier the pilot starts very shaky, the character introductions are mediocre at best (I even had hard time keeping track of them) but when it got to a certain point, it got me invested. But other problems include times when the story hints and suggests things that could be interesting to see them play out, but there never bought up again. Also if you can't handle frustrating plotlines, proceed with caution as this does have quite a bit (Although mostly in earlier seasons). Season 3 is what I proceed to be the weakest seasons in my opinion, the story lines in this season I just didn't care for, all the other seasons (while good in their own right) just weren't necessarily as good as the first season. I won't discuss the other issues since there spoilers.Overall, while flawed, Blackstone is an enjoyable show. I would highly recommend it (especially if you liked the comic Scalped, since it is similar)
    Mike Jones Great story, well acted, well written. Believable sets and locations. Enough intrigue and sub-stories to keep things interesting. Politics, corruption, and the struggle of the underdog. All good stuff. Then it falls apart because of the camera work. Every single scene shot with shaky hand-held camera and jerky zoom. The end result is a production that looks like it was professionally cast, written and produced, then turned over to a high school class with a cheap camcorder to film. Oh, the shots are clear enough...once your eyes adjust to the constant jerking around. There is a place for hand-held shots. A few of them, scattered here and there, can be a great thing. But for the entire production? Please. Invest in a tripod and a trolley.
    sheelagrant I found this series very entertaining. It's nice to see a show about Native Americans where they portray the lead characters and not simply backdrops. They're not simply stereotypes of Native Americans either. The writing is very true-to-life. The language is a bit rough swearing-wise, but that's the way a lot of people talk, even non-Natives. The acting is totally believable. The directing is excellent. It's kind of like a Native American soap opera, but much less melodramatic. The story lines are very interesting to follow. It would be nice to get this here in the States. It definitely deserves more stars.
    BigLaxFan94 I just wanna say that there are many fine looking gorgeous ladies in this series! Carmen Moore, Andrea Menard and Roseanne Supernault are all hot! Hehehehehehehehehe.(; Of course, the series has a great plot, storyline and cast of characters.But I like it how Andy's father tries to get it through his son's thick head that Ottawa is to blame for all of Native people's social problems. Andy's father used his gangrene foot as a great example of the poor health care that Native people receive by saying that if Ottawa hadn't have caused so many social problems, that his foot would have been fine. And he is right. Andy is so out of sync with his culture that he has completely forgotten about the ways of his ancestors! That is why he is such a corrupt Chief. Leona on the other hand was a great Chief who did her best to look after her community until Andy got re-elected and thus continuing the problems at Blackstone.Anyways .... this is why I give this one a 9.