Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern
Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern
NR | 27 February 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
    Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
    sgreg-75982 The guy travels the world, and shows us the foods people eat. If you are offended by the way other countries, slaughter their food, don't watch this show. And some here, blame the host of the show for this? I don't get that! Do you get mad at a reporter, for doing a story about a murder? Is the murder, his fault too? The guy is nothing more than a food reporter! And you have contacted PETA? What for? they don't have any jurisdiction in other countries! We don't gut animals live, and eat them, before they die, here in the US. And as others have pointed out, many of these other countries, LET NOTHING GO TO WASTE! I don't always agree with some of their methods. But who are you, or I, to judge THEIR CULTURE! As far as where he goes, and what he eats... Well shocking things get RATINGS! Are you going to watch this show, if Andrew eats hot-dogs and hamburgers every episode? This may come as a shock to some... TV is a business! I will also agree, maybe the content, isn't something a child needs to see. But the same could be said about the nightly news. This show is about food, and the cultures of the people that eat them. That simple!"Oh my god! He used the "M word". This guy was born in 1961! The "M" word has not always been considered a derogatory comment. But now that you "little people", decided you don't like that word, the world needs to change! As well as television networks! I did not know this was offensive, to "little people". But I'm sure Andrew knew that! And he blatantly attacked some of his viewers on purpose! Really! Are you kidding me! You even admitted, he was talking about worms! Ever hear of midget racers? Midget baseball, midget football? Mostly played by small children. Are you offended by that? The word midget is defined as, smaller than normal. That's it! You "little people" decided it was offensive to you. But that is what the word means! You are the ones that decided it was derogatory. And then we have PETA, you people have been involved in arson, burglary, bombing, assault, breaking and entering, and even murder! All in the name of saving life! Yeah nice people, with a cause!
    hedykay i had to sign on here to review this show just because of the other negative reviewers about this show: animal abuse, killing of the animals on TV, complaining about it to Travel TV and PETA and Andrew coming off as an arrogant ass. seriously? first, i did not watch the show for a long time because i was FULLY aware, by the commercials alone, what it was all about. not things i thought i could stomach! but as i prepare to leave the US for Europe and with similar ideas on food and cultures (not bizarre edibles), i decided to give the show a try. yes, it is shocking in some scenes, but i knew what i was getting into! for those of you complaining about 'animal abuse', i hate to break it to you, but all the "animal abuse" is actually killing what they eat. i am sure some of you don't understand this; you buy your animals all packaged and safe in the supermarket and want to stick your head in the ground of reality. but it is not abuse. this is actually how some people eat in different parts of the world. they kill the animals first, then cook what they kill and THEN they eat it! second, it can be a shock as well to see that some cultures use EVERY single aspect of said animal, and that includes the blood. drinking blood? there was one episode in the Nordic regions in which sweet 'pancakes' are made from the fresh blood and even the kids eat them and LOVE THEM. again, not like the US where only the good stuff is eaten and the rest, including offal, is usually tossed aside and wasted. not what other cultures and countries do. if you watch more than the one episode that blew your eye balls out, you would see that that is part of their beliefs. you take the animal's life, you show it reverence and respect by using all of it and not wasting anything. that includes 'drinking the blood'. such a salty way of putting it! no one drinks it; it is made into things that are eaten. i know i 'tried' blood sausage before acknowledging exactly what it was. third, he is an arrogant ass who makes fun of other cultures? really??? the most offensive thing i saw him do in the binge-watching of episodes was trying to kiss the cook on the cheek, with thanks, but it happened to be a woman in a Muslim country, in which they are not allowed to touch strange men. he forgot his head for a minute, but apologized profusely for this transgression. i never regularly see him put himself above other cultures and call names. i actually see the opposite, him going to shandies and shacks and eating the wonderful things that people and cultures will prepare for him, as he humbly does. he also participates and doesn't sit there like a lazy bump on a log. fourth, VEGETARIANS AND VEGANS - STOP WATCHING THIS SHOW. it has nothing to do with you, and you cannot be objective about what he is doing. two of the negative reviewers who called it 'animal abuse', openly stated they were vegetarians! of course you won't like it or understand it! so stop watching! and lastly, to that lovely person who insulted him for not putting down on his bio that he used to be a homeless drunk/drug addict? that needs to be there? are you an addict and understand the shame of your past? why would he need to say that on his bio, so he can be judged for transgressions that have nothing to do with today? if you actually watched the show on a regular basis, he has very humbly admitted his past and the fact he doesn't partake in the drinks or even 'cocoa leaves' in Peru, "because he doesn't do that anymore". but again, this little tidbit is SO important to the success of the show! i am impressed by what i've learned, and what Andrew dares to show us. i have learned a shocking amount of information about cultures, their traditions and some great things to look for when i get to Europe. all you other complainers, change the channel and don't watch! but for god's sake, save your negative reviews about piddly crap for something worth complaining about, like why are the Kardashian's STILL on TV getting paid to prance around and do nothing?!?!?!
    chunter76422 I watched the show on Mexico until I absolutely appalled, not by what Zimmern was eating, but by what he said! He was describing worms coming out of a cactus plant & he used the 'M' word to describe Little People as though it was completely okay to use this type of derogatory language to describe anyone! Little people should be referred to as just that or dwarfs, nothing more. Travel Channel shame on you! This is the 9th season of Bizarre Foods & I've also noticed an unpleasant change in Zimmern from a kind of simple guy trying unusual foods into an arrogant guy, who acts like some kind of know-it-all that insults an entire group of people.Andrew Zimmern, I noticed that you conveniently left some important facts about your past out of your bio on the Travel Channel. It's funny that you didn't add the fact that you used to be A HOMELESS ALCOHOLIC DRUGGIE WHO STOLE TO FEED YOUR HABITS! Remember where you came from Mr. Zimmern, you are a overweight, unattractive so-so chef who just got lucky…nothing more.
    Fatal_When_Swallowed Want to watch somebody cut open the abdomen of a living creature and gut it while the animal struggles and screams for mercy? Want to hear about the practice of clubbing live animals before they are slaughtered because it "makes the meat taste better"? Would you enjoy seeing someone slice off the top of a monkey's head so they can eat its brains while he is still alive? Welcome to the sick, psychotic world of "world-renowned gourmet/food critic" Andrew Zimmern, who hosts a revolting program on The Travel Channel called "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern." Zimmern's claim to fame is that he will apparently eat any creature that can be captured and served up for him to eat, in whole or in part, alive or dead. He cares not a bit what the creatures he ultimately consumes have suffered in order to satisfy his bloated, disgusting appetite. I don't know what possesses him to do this, except for the fact that he is obviously being paid a handsome salary by The Travel Channel to find some new and shocking way to murder a living thing and then chomp it down, all the while smacking his lips greedily.It might surprise readers to know that this piece of trash is sponsored by Discovery, the same company that produces not ONLY The Travel Channel, but TLC, Discovery Kids/Health/Education, and, most ironically, Planet Green AND Animal Planet. The same corporation that claims to protect animals and caters to to the education of children also gives them the horrifying opportunity to witness the murder of helpless animals in the callous hands of human beings who carve out a live creature's insides as casually as if they were inanimate pieces of fruit.Anyone who would allow or encourage their children to watch "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern" is raising a generation of serial killers. Anyone who has studied the field knows that killing animals is where most psychos begin in their killing sprees...which makes me wonder where Andrew Zimmern's palate will lead him next when he runs out of animals to torture.