Beyond Scared Straight
Beyond Scared Straight
TV-PG | 13 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cortechba Overrated
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    Patrici-hartigan1999 In scared straight, you will see a compilation of insulting, volgure, and quite frankly embarrassing behavior from "respectable officers", showing just how corrupt the police system is. If a normal person behaved this way to 10-16 year olds they would be locked away for years for disorderly conduct, verbal assault to a child, and assault to a minor. This shows real name should be "above the law, and can't be tamed." They use homosexual prisoners to tell the children how they should get in there cells and in addition threaten them sexually and the officers threaten to put them in calling them "fresh meat" and how they "like little boys". They give children who are in need of phsychiatric help a chance to be racist, homophobic, and have ptsd and an extreme fear of officers. They yell at there mom or act aggressive to anyone and they get to get scarred for life but yet people say it's not hard enough, let's just start beating them too. It's a viscouse cycle of aggression and fear with the people/children and police officers and government officials. This show will show you just how above the law you are if you're a cop.
    jbohemier61 Beyond Scared Straight is an outstanding show in which troubled teens are sent to jails around the country to see what its going to be like should they find themselves on the inside. Scare tactics are often used, but the effectiveness, while positive on most, falls far short for others. Frankly, I would love to see this program extended in such a manner that these kids REALLY get a taste of jail life. I think by picking these kids up in front of their friends by the local Sheriff's Departments upon exit from school on a Friday afternoon and dropping them back off to school on the following Monday morning just before the start of classes would be far more effective then giving them a half day experience going from one section of the jail to another. Today's kids are some of the most disrespectful ever, and with parents working longer and longer hours while trying to make a living like never before, many of these at risk kids are failing to receive the attention they need during the riskiest time of their lives. Today's kids roll their eyes, look the other way, bad mouth their parents and teachers like never before. They truly need a rude awakening. I think this can only be done in the most severe cases by letting them spend a full weekend in jail, where they should be treated as close to an inmate as possible while protecting them from injury.
    MJPhoenix711 This has to be the worst show I've ever seen. The main premise is innocuous: to try to keep kids from stealing and being in gangs by giving them a reality check. The way they ended up doing this was beyond offensive (which should be the real title of the show.) Instead of making the kids have heart to heart talks with prisoners about why they should change their behavior, they took them to the "alternative sexuality" ward and used gay and trans inmates as a boogeymen to scare kids out of going to prison. The guards often threatened the kids by telling them they would be raped (which is NEVER okay), and made derogatory comments about transgender inmates ("do you want to be in here with a man who wants to be a women?") I can't imagine how harmful this was to the teens in their program who happen to be gay, bi, and trans themselves (a percentage of them certainly are.) I was supposed to watch this show wanting the kids to turn their lives around and change their acts. Instead, I wanted to join the kids in punching out the oppressive prison guards and start a riot. If anyone needs to be taught a lesson, it is not the teens, it is the guards.
    lwb1998 Excellent first season, Second season is going on right now. Putting teens 12-18 through H-E-L-L to get them to Straighten up from Drugs, crime,violence,etc....teens do not know that life behind bars is so bad, until they experience life behind bars. So the parents of the teens put them through an Prevention/intervention basically to get them to straighten up.The strong content featured here, which includes cursing ("b--ch," "s-- t"), threatening, and discussions of criminal behavior, is offered within the specific context of helping young people. I loved it! watching that show with my kids was great it gave both me and my kids a reality check Betty in Atlanta,GaThe best way to change kids What i feel is that even though crude words are being used, kids these days are starting to use them even if parents think their kids don't. The country i'm staying does not have a jail that's anything like these, and maybe that's why the troublemakers here do not learn. No matter the crude words, violence, whatsoever, i really feel that this is one of the best ways to turn a kid's life around, especially if he/she has a chance of being jailed. Sitting at home watching this would not be as effective as getting it in real life. Charlotte in Greenbay,WIThis program has scared the wits out of teens across the country.