Balls of Steel
Balls of Steel
| 19 August 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    Gary Prust (gprust2004) Whenever trying to work out whether a reality show is genuine reality or or completely staged, I think of the following argument: How many genuine, paid actors, can give as convincing a performance as the victims of this show appear to give. The answer is; Not that many. One comment about this show suggested that the entire program is staged, yet in the same comment they pointed out the story wherein Tom Cruise was a victim and was not happy about his participation. hmm? I won't argue that there may have been a certain amount of participation from well known franchises, but the reactions given by nearly all of this shows victims convinces me that it is completely truthful about who is aware of the stunt and who isn't. For someone to suggest that none of this shows contents is genuine says to me that this "Someone" has either; never watched an entire show, or not actually been clever enough to understand exactly what the point of the show is. My point being, don't comment on the show unless you actually know what you're talking about. PS. I think this show is pretty good.
    David Gillin this was an absolutely fantastic programme! i remember there was some big fuss made about tom cruise getting squirted with a water gun on it months before transmission. that made me laugh so much-tom cruise just couldn't take a joke. how many people do you know who have been squirted with water pistols? loads! he obviously thought that he was too big to be squirted. my favourites were definitely the annoying devil and the militant black guy. the only ones i didn't like were the bunny boiler, the man tester and the naked guy. all the rest were hilarious!!! i hope they release this on DVD. its by far one of the best-and most daring- hidden camera shows in history! favourite moment-seven year old kid getting 'tw*t' written on his head by The Annoying Devil. Brilliant!!!
    mr_impatient_5 I think these people have balls of steel. like chatting up a girls boy friend right next to her, stapling a paper to your tongue, interviewing celebrities with a dildo or going into a t.v shop and putting a video on the main screen so that on every t.v it says "THIS SHOP IS S**T". It would be great if a movie was made of this. People should watch massive balls of steel which is the highlights of the series best event. The best stunt was putting a blindfold on a guide dog which was performed by the annoying devil. That was mean but funny. This is the one show that can match jackassWatch this, its painfully funny!
    Jackson Booth-Millard I thought I had seen a lot of idiotic stunt work in Jackass, but I was wrong! Basically Mark Dolan hosts a talent show for twelve new comedians, six chosen every week to each perform an act of stunt work in front of the public, and the audience choose the winner who has the best Balls of Steel. Memorable comedians have included The Annoying Devil (Jason Attar, replaced by Barrie Hall), Alex Zane, Neg (Dupree), The Big Gay Following (Eric Page), Toju (Okorodudu) The Militant Black Guy, The Pain Men (Dirty Sanchez's Matthew Pritchard and Mike "Pancho" Locke), Olivia Lee, The Bunny Boiler (Thaila Zucchi), Mr. Inappropriate (Tim Shaw), (Meet) The F***ers (Tony Parsons, Kelly Burgess), Randy Campbell (Chris Stapp) and Dick Johansonson and The Man Tester (Dawn Porter). It was number 74 (for Olivia Lee's moments), and number 29 for Alex Zane's Cleverness Game on The 100 Greatest Funny Moments. Very good!
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