Bailey Kipper's P.O.V.
Bailey Kipper's P.O.V.
| 14 September 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
    Melanie Bouvet The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    BritFlickster Yeah I loved this show. It was aired in the UK on a Monday afternoon when I was ten. I remember it clashed with Sabrina so none of the other girls watched it even though I told them it was really good. Then in my late teens when my college friends and I would reminisce about the best children's telly programmes no one would ever believe that this one existed. Now at last: Vindication!!! I can't believe it's taken me this long to think of looking it up on IMDb though, lol. Is there any news on the DVD front? I know this is an ancient thread. I don't know if I'd want to watch it now in case it's not as good as I remember, but I know it was definitely better than a lot of things around at the time.
    Hoz Sam No one seems to remember or have even seen this fantastic show that ran in the late 90s and was definitely the most worthwhile program on during my childhood, unlike the endless stream of cartoons etc. that were then ubiquitous. This excellent comedy was a much more mature children's/early teens' program, that followed Bailey Kipper as he secretly monitored the rest of his family, keeping track of all the happenings of which he would not have been normally aware and the incessant misdemeanours of his older sister! Fans of "Malcolm in the Middle" will find it very similar, with some people even claiming it was the precursor and inspiration for the later hit show, with many parallels to the family relationships and feelings of being unappreciated and unnoticed appearing in both programs. Definitely worth watching!
    Moax429 Colinwhitefan, if you're reading this - although a little over a year has passed since your posting - and you enjoyed "Bailey Kipper's P.O.V." very much, then I'd like to make this suggestion: Either e-mail or fax 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (as posted in the rules, I can't give you their e-mail address, but go to Fox's main website and it'll direct you there) and tell them you want to see all 13 episodes of "Bailey Kipper" on DVD. Fox bought out MTM Enterprises, which produced "Bailey Kipper," about the time the show went off the air (September 1997); hence, Fox now owns the show (as a result of the buyout, MTM no longer exists), and Fox would be the most likely company to distribute "Bailey Kipper" on DVD.I do agree - "Bailey Kipper" was very funny and inventive, and it was a good alternative when "Saved By the Bell" went into repeats. I thought the episode where he was forced to audition for a play was particularly funny.And to the other reader who said there were only 7 or 8 episodes, as I stated above the total number of original episodes was 13. This is because the network was able to show the entire series four times in order to fulfill a one-year commitment, as well as to help young viewers recognize certain plot elements whenever they saw a particular episode again (four 13-week increments make up one full calendar year, 52 weeks).And for the record, I was in my late 30's when "Bailey Kipper" was first shown; I'd often watch it with my young niece and nephew (and it sure beat listening to all those news shows every time). So it had some appeal for us adults, too!(February 28, 2007. Postscript:20th Century Fox Home Entertainment DOES indeed own the rights to distribute "Bailey Kipper's P.O.V." on DVD; however, since I initially posted this comment Fox has removed their e-mail address from their website. However, I do remember the address. Please feel free to send me a private letter.Also be sure to vote for "Bailey Kipper" at TV Shows on!)
    semicool I miss this show....I remember trying to watch this show every Saturday morning at like 7am. I would get up so early just so I could see it. I never missed an episode. It was great! I'm 17 now and I still wish this show would come back on the air. They only made like 7 or 8 episodes, but still :)