Back to You
Back to You
| 19 September 2007 (USA)

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    WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
    jDriftyx82 There's not a lot to say about Back to You. It's a rather generic sitcom starring Kelsey Grammar (Cheers, Frasier) and Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond).One of the great aspects of Back to You, is its hilarity. This generic, predictable, clichéd sitcom, is saved by hilarity.The show is about Chuck Darling (Grammar) a star news anchor, who, after playing the field at other stations, comes back to his home town. Only to find out that his co-anchor Kelly (Heaton) has a child. He also learns that the child is his.Now, I was only exposed to the first 9 episodes, so I'm not sure. But Chuck never tells his daughter he's her dad. But that's because it was canceled too soon.If the show went on longer, I think it would've gotten better. Like NewsRadio.
    Asteri-Atypical This show, unlike many of the other Fox sitcom "attempts" (coughcoughstackedcough) isn't so "BAD" as it's just not GOOD. Which is actually a commentary on the depth of the writing considering that "Back to You" has some noteworthy on-screen talent.Like many others, after Frasier, I anxiously awaited seeing the great Kelsey Grammar in a new sitcom. Patricia Heaton and the wonderfully silly Fred Willard were draws as well.Unfortunately, the script is not equal to the cast, especially Grammar. It could be likened to watching Ian McKellen on a soap opera. It's hard watching Kelsey Grammar go from one of the best, most intelligent sitcoms of all time to this hackneyed pap.Indeed, "hackneyed" sums up "Back to You" quite well. There's little original in the situation, characters or humor. We've seen these characters and the same chemistry between them ad nauseam. The characters don't have depth or life; which takes some adjustment after the interesting character of Frasier.And... the humor. It could almost be enjoyed; at times. Every now and then they have a one liner which is mildly funny in an adolescent way. However it's completely ruined by the ubiquitous laugh track and the overreaction of the cast to every minor pun. Nothing ruins a laugh like the laugh track and the cast trying to convince you that you should be doubled over laughing.Overall, despite a cast worth watching, "Back to You" is fast food down from Frasier's cuisine. Some people will enjoy this show since it adheres to the hackneyed formula for brain-dead sitcoms. If you like sitcoms most people call "dumb" and "banal", you may enjoy "Back to You". However if you're looking for a comedy with any depth, originality or intelligence, look elsewhere.Where, I don't know these days, but not here.
    mattkratz This is a hilarious new show starring Kelsey Grammar and Patricia Heaton. Ten years ago, Grammar left the Pittsburgh news station in search of greener pastures. Just before the show starts, he makes a huge on-air blunder that costs him his job, and he has to return to the Pittsburgh station. Upon returning, he finds that he is the father of Heaton's 10-year-old daughter, something she wants nobody to know. Hilarious complications ensue.The show is well-cast with the two leads, along with Fred Willard as the sportscaster and Ayda Field as the weather girl. It certainly has potential, and I hope it stays around for at least a few years.*** out of ****
    redsoxrgr844 I watched the pilot on the computer (because i missed it when it aired), and i have to say i was very impressed It had shades of what the older sitcoms seemed like.Another great thing is the fact that they actually put in actors i knew about (Grammer and Willard).The one thing i was not looking forward to when i was ready to watch the pilot was Patricia Heaton.I really didn't care for her role in Everybody Loves Raymond.But so far she has really shined and has proved to me that she can make this show go far.I do not see this show having more than maybe 5 or 6 seasons.But while its on, watch it. You will really enjoy it.