| 15 December 1983 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    PodBill Just what I expected
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    Rob_Taylor This was a well cheesy show, with "Auto" and "Cursor" a blatant plagiarism of "Tron" and "Bit". That said, it was harmless fun, for the most part and enjoyable enough.Although it didn't last long it seems to be one of the few shows that, although looking wooly and trite now, gained a dedicated following at the time.
    Jack Yan Yes, this was a little predictable, as one reviewer said, but it had a sense of humour that American shows seldom crack. Strangely, it was from Glen Larson, whose creations have not always stood the test of time. Yet the charm in Automan was so delicious that it was a shame that it only lasted 13 episodes.Walter Nebicher (Desi Arnaz) is a computer geek who creates a hologram called Automan (Chuck Wagner) - but the character turns out to have not only Walter's ideas for a crime-fighter, but his own soul. Turns out Automan has lived in a parallel, video-game universe (à la Tron, the big SFX hit of the early 1980s) and counts Pac-man and Donkey Kong ('He's an animal') among his friends.This improbable storyline, plus Automan's sidekick, Cursor (who has quite the eye [he must have one!] for the ladies) played for good laughs. What we do know is that the characters are not really going to develop much. Walter has a stereotypical loud cop boss with a New York accent (Gerald S. O'Loughlin) who hates him, a beautiful female police detective (Heather McNair) who fancies him, and an immediate superior (Robert Lansing) who feels he's misunderstood yet wants to make him feel valued. And the villains are similarly flat, perhaps with the exception of the suave Patrick Macnee in the première episode.For a guy who doesn't like sci-fi (and who was in his teens when this aired), it was a fine way to spoof the genre and to poke fun at the primitive nature of video games and early 1980s' computers. Additional ideas were that Walter could feed in data about human life into Automan, so he could dance like John Travolta after receiving a Beta tape with a disco flick - another opportunity for set-ups. A priceless tennis-playing scene sees Cursor replace the real ball, set up for more laughs. Sometimes the oldest gags are the best ones.Meanwhile, Automan gets stuck on everyday human problems: when asked what his (astrological) sign is, he cannot reply. Walter suggests, 'Tell him you're an Apple II.'Unlike Galactica 1980, the special effects don't look too primitive, and in its day, were very swish for TV.Automan did have the storylines of a kids' show, much like the similarly ill-fated Enos, the Dukes of Hazzard spin-off that was its contemporary. However, folks appreciated a bit of a tickle then, seeing a splash of humour in the (by then) tired genre of the one-hour-format cop show. Numerous episodes looked expensive and probably were - so the show always looked the part. Automan is a product of its era and still retains some fascination for me. Sometimes, you just need something that isn't so serious.
    theburnward Though I was young at the time, I seem to remember liking that show alot. It might have something to do with my fascination with anything scifi, but i remember being bummed when it never came on again. If i saw the show now im not sure how I would feel about it though
    darren caschera Hello,I would like to say i watched each and every episode of Automan and i really loved!! the show till the network decided to remove it for some odd reason, as they did with The Greatest American Hero in which i loved alot too. The show was really cool!! I wish it would come back on TV for all to c again.. It was a different show and it was unique thats what made it special..So many great shows came on and left like it was yesterday.. I specially got a kick out of Cursor whom made the show also and made everthing for Chuck Wagner.. Bottom line is it was a great sci-fi adventure for all to watch at that time and i loved it.. So tks for reading this and whom knows the networks make sequels all the time on different shows maybe they could possibly bring back this great show, they never gave it a chance!!!!