Arctic Air
Arctic Air
| 10 January 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    marco-30-384328 Arctic Air is a typical show that has a little bit of everything. Romance, Action, Family drama, culture and nature. I would classify the acting slightly above average, the stories quite entertaining and after 5-10 episodes you already feel like part of the family. First I didn't like the character of Bobby. Thought he does not represent the typical hero of a TV-series, but I got used to it. Perhaps because the acting got more convincing through the series. Always have to think of R2-D2 and C-3PO when it comes to Dev and Astrid. You cannot expect amazing special-effects from this kind of show but what it offers is satisfactory. Only from time to time some poor CGI-planes disturb the smooth impression of reality. I am actually very sad that the show was canceled after the third season. If it had continued, surely I would have followed the show through the next seasons.
    Island Pooch I tried to give this show a try. It was painful getting through the second episode before I couldn't take it anymore. It is poorly cast, and the actors have little personality and look like they have never stepped foot outside of city concrete. The plot line is predictable, but that isn't even a negative compared to all its other faults. It lacks a sense of reality and believability in every way. The script is bad, and the delivery by actors sounds canned and sophomoric. Furthermore, there is nothing that resembles "Northern Exposure" except it has planes and is filmed in the north! I hate to be so harsh, but I recommend you take a pass on this bore fest, and opt for reruns of something better.
    goldenstar2 As a retired airline and West Coast bush pilot I had low expectations about this show. Other than the obvious flaws when it comes down to the aircraft - the Turbo Otter does not have the sound of a piston engined aircraft, particularly at start-up. Also, the brief shot of the engine controls look very much like a DH Beaver and not a turbine driven plane. The DC-3 did not have it's propellers feathered when the engines were shut down (it would have fallen out of the sky like a brick!). I really like Adam Beach; I think he was well chosen for the part of Bobby. The story-line is very entertaining with lots of larger than life characters. The scenery is beautiful, what a treat to see a part of the world we seldom hear, or even think about. It would be nice if the script writer could tap in to the hundreds of real-life stories that every Canadian bush pilot cherishes. I remember an aircraft, purchased for use in the Yukon in the 1970's from S. America, arriving with a hand grenade hanging from it's pin under one of the seats. The Chief mechanic working for that same airline made his home in an engine packing case in the hanger due to the lack of accommodation in Watson Lake. I look forward to many more seasons of this enjoyable show.
    Unter Mensch It's hard to fault this show! There is a broad range of are believable and personable characters, portrayed with solid acting. I appreciate the understatement and subtlety with which the tension is built, which gives the few action scenes a lot of impact. The story lines feel fresh, and each episode has a distinct character.The premise clearly borrows heavily from Ice Pilots (I wonder if Buffalo Airways are actually involved?), but it hasn't taken long to grow into its own identity. This is now one of my favourite shows of the last few years.Deserves at least a 7, and a renewal!