Anne with an E
Anne with an E
TV-G | 19 March 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    Cortechba Overrated
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    rasllan I loved Anne so much. She's resilient, She fights for the people she loves no matter what. She should rightfully hate the world for how it has treated her but yet her love takes over. Simply an Angel.
    amandajturney I don't mind when movies slightly change from the original book to give a new twist, but this was a complete terrible overhaul. Doesn't match moods or themes. I hate when agendas are pushed in kids shows, can't we just be entertained?
    mikjrspam It's alway a shame when the producers and directors of a series feel the need to add their own political agenda to a well known classic!Season one was good, but for season two, they added gun violence, suicide, child abuse, cross dressers, racism, and of course... the liberal classic... GAY BASHING!!Save your time and read the ORIGINAL BOOK... "Anne of Green Gables"
    DivyaInduSharma Oh it's a re-imagining alright - but not so much that it loses the essence of the original story completely. It's a li'l dark too, with flashbacks to Anne's suffering at the orphanage, and also the initial ostracism she faces at the hands of adults and children alike. Also, perhaps a bit more modern than L.M. Montgomery would have liked it to be (hint : Aunt Josephine), but I found the changes to be 'ever so nice'. It's a wonderful watch for all ages, not just for folks like me who grew up with the books, but for the younger generation too; this is good literature adapted right.