TV-Y7 | 15 September 1998 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
    Kiden Stormsoarer I read the animorphs books as a kid, and they were my absolute favorite series at the time. Now, 15 years later, I reread them and still love them. I remember when the show first came out, how excited I was that they were turning my favorite series into a TV show. Then I watched it, and was crushed. It was absolutely horrible, nothing at all like the books, and in fact, I only watched a couple episodes before giving up. Now, having reread the books, I decided to give the show another chance. I couldn't watch more than half of an episode before giving up. The actors are much too old, the plot isn't even remotely similar, and as for the aliens, they are NOTHING like they are described in the book, and they look like cheap halloween costumes. When Elfanger-Sirinial-Shamtul is first shown, he has horse legs and his stalk eyes look more like dollar store alien antennae, just stuck on top of his head and not moving around at all, which is something that is mentioned in most of the books. And for the love of all things holy, why is Tobias wearing jesses?! I know that it's just a trained hawk, but that pushes credibility. The writing was terrible, the effects were worse.
    Vahnseru You know, the show REALLY could have done much better than they did. At first, when i watched the first episode the night it premiered, i was like, "this really isn't that great". I didn't care about the actors, the dialog, or even the crappy way the Controllers spoke(typical supreme being dialect). What really turned me off was the use of horrible CG and the way it strayed away from the books. If my brain could turn away from these two, then the show would be a'ight.Later in life(present day), when i'm 19, almost 20, i decided to give the show another chance and ordered the VHS online(for only a dollar!). You know? The first 3 episodes were really not that bad. The actors were pretty good(except for Rachel) and the story was kinda similar to the books. Even Marco's humor was good. Still, the low-budget way to make this show turned me off. Hork-bajir look like something from the 80's 'Dinosaurs' and andalites really don't look that great. And this is for the first 3 episodes... Don't get me started on the others. ALSO everyone else is right in saying the show shoulda been longer and put on another channel(Nickelodeon is for 'brainless cartoons' like the other guy said).Read and tell the Animorphs media team this. They've ruined a good series and should regret it hahaha.
    dclary25 I can remember being a little tyke and sitting in the living room staring in total awe as these kids morphed. I used to be enthralled by this show, and I still am. I have the videos. OK, sue me. I can't help myself, this show, I loved it. It's sort of a guilty pleasure. The show didn't exactly do the books justice, but lets face it; most movies and TV shows never can. But it's not bad. Though I was kind of mad when they didn't find Ax like they did in the book, I let it slide because they probably had no idea how to do it.I loved the books. I loved(and still do)the show.But it loses points for Effects.
    Lila Animorphs had the potential to be a great show had the episodes been longer and more frequent. It was short lived however the cast was full of very talented people. However as with every book based movie/series the books were better. Though I could just be a bit biased since I was a hardcore Animorphs fan. I do truly believe that the show was pretty good even if it was short. I hope to see the Animorphs actors do a lot more in the future. I do think this show was very good and worth any Animorphs' fan time. I hope this comment is helpful to anyone who takes the time to read it. So thank you for reading my comment! Animorphs Rule!