All-American Girl
All-American Girl
| 14 September 1994 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    OllieSuave-007 This was a hilarious sit-come starring Margaret Cho as Margaret Kim, who lives with her traditional Korean family.Full of culture clashes and Asian stereotypes, Cho was absolutely hilarious in portraying her character dealing with her family life and trying to make decisions of her own. I could relate to her mother trying to shelter her, urging her marry a nice spouse and comparing her with other Asians. Amy Hill plays Margaret's grandmother, and was absolutely hilarious in her Asian-English accent! Very witty with dry humor and laugh-out-loud moments. Too bad the show only lasted one season, and the later episodes of the season were a let-down, as the cast changes really brought down the show.Grade B-
    goleafs84 All American Girl in the beginning was a pleasure to watch. I liked Margret's comedy of her family life, but mainly, being an Asian-American guy, I could relate to most of the things going on, as I used to hear he same things from my Grandmother when I was a kid. For example, "Marry a nice Japanese girl"When I was growing up, I had to deal with being different compared to most other Asians my age, as I didn't like the same type of sports they played to dating girls outside my race. After watching this, In some ways, I didn't feel alone being the way I am and I could see some similarities in Margret and myself. The problem I had with the show was when they made changes in the show, when got rid of virtually the entire original cast and replaced them with another group. When I watched the show, I found it unfunny. I felt couldn't identify with the show any longer and I stopped watching it, which is too bad because in my opinion, this show had a great start.
    pandathinks I want to see this again! I'm still sad today that it was so short. There were a lot of problems at the studio, which only aggravated Margaret Cho's personal problems. I know the studio told her it was "not Asian enough" and also "too Asian." Not having seen it in a decade, I can't say how culturally accurate it was -- I've read some complaints about Cho's character (shallow, and unlike herself), and about how appropriate it is to cast Chinese and Japanese actors as Koreans -- but I know enjoyed it very much. I really like Margaret's stand-up, I have a crush on B.D. Wong, and know Amy Hill is hilarious -- so it should have been good, and I blame the studio if it wasn't. If you can find it anywhere, I highly recommend it, despite it's flaws. I'm very sad to have so little access to Asian culture (including Asians raised western) in the media.
    skillz During her slightly hilarious stand-up routine, Margaret Cho is more than successful at pointing out the absurdity of racial and ethnic stereotypes! She was successful enough to join the likes of: Tim Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, Rosanne, and Drew Carey in the world of situation comedies! In "All-American Girl" she plays Margaret Kim: the daughter of Korean Immigrants. Three generations of Kims stay in the same household. Her parents (the bread-winning Kims) often set her up with Korean boys. Not just any Korean boys, but: doctors, lawyers, engineers, and other upwardly mobile professionals! Margaret however, likes to interracially date: aspiring musicians, actors, artists, writers; in other words worthless bums! She is much happier with the club hopping crowd than the silver-spoon eggheads that her parents try to set her up with!Margaret probably had the most underrated supporting cast in the Industry. But sitcoms that cast a stand-up comedian as the lead only survive if they are well written! Casting Margaret as a party going mall rat did not give her the wiggle room to develop her character into an Emmy nomination! The series could've easily lasted more than one season if it were even SLIGHTLY better written! However ABC was notorious for abruptly pulling the plug on ethnic sitcoms! Margaret has enough talent to appear elsewhere, so look for her in the near future!
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