TV-MA | 16 January 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Ingo Hoheisel Well, the animation is different but that OK. Most important is the story about the Ajin and then the main protagonist Nagai who just care about himself but still now what is logical wrong or good. On the another side, the always smiling Sato who play in his free time Gameboy ( Donkey Kong ) is the real evil who brings terror and death to the human kind. The story and characters are interesting and catch you straight away. The second season is even better when the hunted and hunters have to work together to stop Sato and his loyal fanatics.
    dennisdmcdonald The theme of "special" or "evolved" humans being feared and hunted by society has been done many times before. A. E. van Vogt's novel SLAN comes to mind, as does Marvel's X-Men.AJIN is a fresh take on the subject. It blends the standard "everybody is against us special humans" theme with terrorism, violence, spectral beings, torture, and Japanese anime's almost standard negativity about Americans.The basis for the fear of the Ajin is that they cannot be killed and have the ability to summon dark wraith-like spectral beings to do their bidding.We follow one young man through his self-discovery as an Ajin, his pursuit by the authorities bent on cruel scientific research on his body, and his attempts to separate himself from Ajin that have decided to employ terrorism in their battle against the state's repression.By now it should be obvious that AJIN is nothing like anime series that focus on adolescent high school pranks, supernatural hi-jinks, and fan service. AJIN is more like an urban war story and morality tale that, for the most part, succeeds. Emotions are raw, characters are very well developed with excellent (Japanese) voice acting, and the story takes some fascinating and at times amazing twists and turns.Where AJIN falls down is in the animation which mixes realistic settings, vehicles, and weapons with twitchy character animation and an annoying mix of characters with natural facial features with those that possess anime's stereotypical over-sized round eyes.The twitchy character movement may be related to an over-reliance on character movement control software that doesn't allow for the randomness of normal body movement. When not running, the main characters seem to walk and move around at the same speed with the frame to frame differences in the drawings just barely visible. Key characters like Sato are very naturally drawn, have realistic facial features, yet move unrealistically. It's distracting given how realistically everything else is done.The other annoying feature I found to be the mix of characters with realistic eye shapes with the exaggerated round large eyes common to so much anime. The mixture of the two styles was confusing for me at first and I was wondering in this particular anime if one of the characteristics of the Ajin is that some have evolved larger and rounder eyes than "normal" humans. I've watched a lot of anime over the years and this was actually the first time I was put off by the large round eyes. I attribute that reaction to the fact that so much of the animation here is realistic and sometimes disconcertingly so in some of the amazing action scenes.That said, I highly recommend this series if you can get past the violence and some of the animation features. Overall it's quite impressive and an excellent example of how good animated science fiction can be.
    plv-34968 This show blew me away. The English dubbing was great. The story was awesome. The action scenes were interesting and at least somewhat original. The characters motives make sense. There is a lot of violence and suicide in ajin. The first episode put me off because of the suicide stuff in it. By the end of season 1, I came away with a different view on suicide and death in general. In a positive way. Every episode slowly changed my view to an extent on the subject matter. Each episode left on a cliff hanger that just makes you want to keep watching. Every episode also felt necessary unlike a lot of anime. If you have access to this show, I suggest giving it a try. Watch the first episode and if you aren't intrigued by these ajin and the story about how things unfold, then leave it be. But it's worth a go even if you aren't big on anime. I'm not a huge fan of anime or manga, but I'm really interested in checking out the manga after seeing this. It was that good.
    keeverj So recently I marathoned the entire first season of Ajin on Netflix. Personally, I loved it. Basically the story revolves around this somewhat sociopathic teen who has some very strange powers that make him an outcast in society. The positives of this story are mainly related to its plot and villains. The main two antagonists of this season have so little explained about there motives that it can be infuriating. At the same time this is a huge positive because I was on edge most of the season waiting to see what they would do. One of the villains particularly was pure flawless and unfiltered evil. If you watch the series, you will know what I'm talking about, and he is truly set up to be feared. The tone is also a strong aspect of this series. It stays fairly consistent and true to itself throughout. It is fairly dark. This show especially reminded me of Tokyo Ghoul, but felt less like a typical Shonen. The negatives of this series lied mainly in numerous plot threads being left behind, although as stated before, I expect them to become relevant again in season 2. Another potential negative, and personal negative for me, was the art style. The animation in this show was very CG, and felt almost more like a video game cut-scene than an anime. While this style made the few fight scenes way more epic looking that they would otherwise, any scene with movement of multiple objects looked off putting. In conclusion, I would highly recommend this show. I gave it a 9/10 and am already excited for a season 2 I hope will someday come. In the mean time, if you are currently watching this show, or have finished it, some viewing recommendations I would give based on this series are "Tokyo Ghoul", "Parasite", and "Another". All have similar tones and are not too long. I hope this review was helpful!
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