After the Rain
After the Rain
| 12 January 2018 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
    ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    datboy69 Starts off slow and at the beginning you feel as if you've walked into the middle of something. But then you're "caught up" and can follow along. I think the themes and feelings are extremely relatable for anyone - whether young or old. Binged watched it on Amazon Prime as I simply couldn't stop watching. I'm extremely happy that I did! My only disappointment was that there are only 12 episodes as I want to continue to see what happens to the characters. I'm another old dude that is finding myself drawn to not just your action-packed anime's but to this genre as well. And for me, this one didn't let me down.
    invisibleunicornninja Maybe this show is amazing after the first episode, I don't care. This show starts off so unbelievably boring I don't see how you could get past episode one. The character designs are incredibly ugly for the most part, and the music seems to be designed to be as boring as possible. Just thinking about this show makes me bored. I wouldn't recommend it, unless you can somehow get past the abysmal first episode, and the rest are somehow watchable.
    en-11843 Love is like after the rain, like after the rain. The feeling of love, is like after the rain, sunshine and warm. The ending of love, is like after the rain, stop and refrain. The anime is the best of the best literature and art and love anime in these years. There are too many advantages to be listed in here. When watching the anime, you feel like reading some meaningful prose, like those written by Chinese literature Lu Xun. Again, there are too many advantages. I picked the one is the most easily be overlooked. Imagery. The anime is very outstanding and successful in the use of imagery. Every episode is using a lot of Imagery to implicates and expresses emotions and endings. Some imagery even has more than three different levels of meaning, implicating and functioning. The feeling is so marvelous if you can find those imagery. The anime is so magnificent.
    allaboutyourtrees I stumbled upon this one in amazon Prime and can't recommend it enough. The topic of loving someone older/younger than you is a sensitive subject, but most of us have had crushes on teachers or bosses at one point or another so its easily relatable for most of us I would say. It is handled with innocence and well just perfectly (this isn't a trashy anime). The underlying theme is of dreams and what happens when we give up on them (I won't go into details of those hopes/dreams to be spoiler free). Akira and Mr. Kondo are both dealing with loss of hope or loss of dreams. Mr. Kondo is awakened to possibilities (brought back to life you might say) by Akira's reminding him of what it felt like to be young. The romance/friendship is sweet and innocent and just makes me laugh. The writing and voice acting are just out of this world good! Maybe its just the time in my life and this is the story I needed to experience right now (a small theme in one of the episodes btw) but I haven't enjoyed an anime quite this much in a while. I'm currently 10 episodes in and absolutely enthralled! Highly recommended for anyone who has had dreams that weren't realized or love that you just couldn't get out of your head. Oh the music and art are amazing and really do amazing things to my heart strings. Try it! Yes I'm an older dude who likes anime. Sue me. Japanese anime culture is just fascinating to me.
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