Adam Ruins Everything
Adam Ruins Everything
TV-14 | 29 September 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
    Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
    thefischers-19933 Education and humor is a good mix and that's what this TV show offers. It's good for all ages. I appreciate the delivery but my issue is the host is a little to confident in his research and so called facts. I can't help but question his interpretation, although he claims to have solid supporting evidence. For instance, he did a segment in which he provides information about the birth of America and Christopher Columbus that goes against what many were taught to believe. That's fine and dandy, however he delivers the message as if he was alive and witnessed the events himself which is obviously untrue. So why should I take his word for it over say a textbook. He speaks of facts but really we just have his own interpretation of these events. Why should I just take his word for it
    MartinHafer My daughter suggested I give "Adam Ruins Everything" because I am already a huge fan of "Penn & Teller: Bullsh@t" both shows have many similarities. Both set out to contradict commonly held assumptions and both are well made and entertaining. The only big differences I see are that "Adam Ruins Everything" has no gratuitous nudity, is more liberal in political bent and is a bit more hip. Both will challenge your assumptions and will definitely make you think. Plus, even when I am not in complete agreement with what the show asserts, you can't help but like the host, Adam Conover, and his on-screen friends.UPDATE: While I still enjoy the show quite a bit, I have noticed that sometimes the show uses opinion and makes it sound like fact. This is not generally the case, but for example, the show about the evils of cars is based on the assumption that European-style transportation systems are superior to those in the States AND that subways and buses and trains would work the same here in the States. That is debatable...especially since many transportation alternatives in the States (such as the subway in LA and AMTRAK) are huge money-losers.
    dsurvey-73102 Your recent episode regarding conspiracy theories was shameful, deceiving & manipulative. There have been thousands of children who have come forward to say that they had been sexually molested by sick predators but instead you laugh it off & imply it was all made up. Disgusting.Next you resort to name calling & labeling everyone who thinks any "conspiracy theory" is true. You called it "dangerous" to do your own research & come to your own conclusions. That's actually called critical thinking. What's dangerous is you spreading lie after lie while joking about the real issues. There is clearly an agenda behind your show.
    vaseodin This is a terrible entertainment show that tricks its audience into thinking they're learning something. They're not. I'm about to ruin everything about "Adam Ruins Everything". Basically, this show is a self-serving happy dance for left-wing politics with absolutely no factual references to back up its ludicrous claims. Now, before you attack me, do your due diligence (unlike the writers of "Adam" and please read my full review. All of their citations for their "facts" are either "The New York Times", "Time", "PBS", or "Life". READ THAT AGAIN. Their citations are almost ALL from newspapers and magazines, not actual studies or real statistics. The few references they have to scientific journals and controlled studies are twisted and poorly summarized. For example, "Adam" claims a study was conducted that proved women are smarter than men. When you read the actual study, you start to see its faults (which the study itself is aware of). First, the study was conducted on children from 12-15 years of age, which is the age range when women go through puberty and have fast brain development. Boys don't mature until a couple of years later. This is hardly proof of their claim. Again, please don't read this to say that men are smarter than women. I'm just citing an example of the extremely flawed statements this show makes. After watching just 10 minutes, be honest with yourself and count how many references are cited that are actual studies (if there is even 1, do yourself a favor and look into it - you'll be shocked). The other 10 references in a 10 minute segment will be some sort of magazine or show. I'm dead serious. Watch the show if you want to laugh at the writers and the moron acting like he knows everything. Don't watch it to learn anything of value. Unless of course, you are trying to learn how NOT to make a show that attempts to teach people facts.
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