ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction
ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction
| 29 January 2010 (USA)
ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction Trailers

An idyllic island town is under attack by that most invasive of pests: zombies! Port Gamble is being overrun with braineaters, and the people seem powerless to stave them off. But wait, a rag tag band of rebels is trying to turn the tide and push the invading hordes of undead back.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
bowmanblue I suppose this film's major 'plus point' is that it has tried to call itself some variation of '.... of the Dead.' The title 'ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction,' refers to the loosely-alluded premise that this particular zombie outbreak is some form of terrorist attack. But then who cares how zombie outbreak start? We just want to know one thing: what's the gore like? And, in ZMD's case, it's actually not too bad. Yes, it's a B-movie, but then 90% of zombie films are, therefore you're probably not expecting a 'mega-budget' epic of a movie. So, this does manage to deliver – it's pretty horrific and what little budget they have is used well on some nice/gruesome zombie and victim kills.ZMD also has another unusually plus point for a B-movie – the central characters are actually pretty different (remember, we're talking horror B-movies here). We have a girl of Middle Eastern descent and a gay couple. And this worked. Their originality made them quite likable and easy to root for.But it's not all good. What starts out pretty excellent sort of stalls midway through the film. Even though the main characters are good, those who they meet aren't. It's like the writers wrote the characters into situations which separated from the main threat element, i.e. the zombies, so they had to introduce all sorts of nut-job characters to pose a new threat.Plus the film isn't that original. It seems to borrow elements from at least five different zombie films. I counted the basement lock-in from Night of the Living Dead, the boarding-up-the-church from Return of the Living Dead, the situations of Shaun of the Dead and the tone of Braindead.It's a pity the overall story isn't a little more focus. I was really enjoying the first act, only to find myself getting a bit bored during the second half. Overall, the end kind of drags the whole thing down. What could have been an excellent little B-movie ends up being only just about watchable because the story meanders about the place of its own make. Pity. Still worth a quick watch if you liked Peter Jackson's Braindead and you're a fan of gore.
LordOfTheFail This wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but also, not the worst. I do like how they included the LBGTQ community in this one with the gay main characters, and even if the plot was mediocre at best, the special effects were surprisingly good for a movie with a relatively small budget. The screen writers chose a small-town... well, small-island feel to the setting rather than a big city (such as London, New York City, Los Angeles, etc.) and maybe connected to those that live in such environments. With this film, they incorporated today's social problems (as they were just beginning, as the film was made in the early 2000s)with the LBGTQ aspect and the religious opposition to it. As a whole, the movie is worth a rewatch or two.
rktbrkr Well done, gory and funny as hell.I think the female lead started out in a skirt when her BF got killed wore jeans during part of her escape and then was back in the skirt when she got nailed.I need 10 lines so i'll say I enjoyed the anti Arab and anti gay humor, i think the female lead and the two actors who played the gay duo were excellent, so was the female lead who is also cute in an exotic way.The special effects were good for a low budget movie. I look forward to seeing the movie again.I guess brevity being the soul of whit doesn't apply to movie reviews with 10 lines min
Seb This film reminded me of a George Romero zombie movie, no not the good old ones I mean the crappy modern ones where he tries to shoehorn in some political commentary and it just doesn't work. Billed as a political zombie comedy it fails on all three levels.Politics? Well, it mentions politics but has nothing to say about it really. It's just there.Zombies? This isn't too bad, there's some good scenes of zombie action but they are spaced too far apart and the gaps are filled with boring scenes.Comedy? It's just not funny, at all. It thinks it is, but it isn't.I wouldn't waste your time, nothing happens for 30 minutes and the zombie bits are only slightly better than a cheap 80's Italian zombie flick. Rent one of those instead it's got more laughs (unintentional) and will probably have a lot more action. None of the characters have stories that lead anywhere which must surely be indicative of one hell of a crappy piece of fiction to even the least discerning viewer.