Zero Tolerance
Zero Tolerance
| 29 October 1999 (USA)
Zero Tolerance Trailers

Johan is a two-fisted Gothenburg cop who finds himself in a shoot-out with jewel robbers. After the smoke has cleared, one robber, shot by his accomplice, and an innocent bystander, are dead. Three witnesses, including Helen, identify thug extraordinaire Leo Gaut as being the dead crook's trigger-happy colleague. Gaut soon threatens the three witnesses, and only Johan, the badge-wearing hero, can save them.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Torgo_Approves I just had a revelation: people in Sweden like Swedish movies, no matter how goddamn awful they are in every department, because watching a Swedish movie means not having to deal with the enormous pressure of having to read subtitles! Well I'm sorry English flunkies, there's no joy in being Swedish when you're watching Noll Tolerans, because the actors in this one go to great lengths to make the dialogue IMPOSSIBLE TO HEAR! They're like: "Mff.....mlllg....asså mmff....mffmlflflf...", I'm like: "Huh?? Speak up you talentless aphasia victims!", and Swedish critics are like: "Best action movie ever!" Am I from another planet here?? Am I the only one to see just how awful, generic, dull, obnoxiously badly acted and incomprehensible this forgettable mess is? I can live with the fact that Swedish movies in general are awful. What really bugs me though, is how Swedish critics as well as average Joes (or should that be average Svens?) praise this stuff as high art! "Oh yes, Noll Tollerans is as good as an action movie can possibly get! Sweden, anyway. Because as we all know Swedish movies need special treatment and should be rated on the "good for a Swedish flick" scale rather than the "good period" scale. What's that you say? Bergman who?"Um... this review is getting as incomprehensible as the movie itself. The point I'm trying to make is that Sweden HAS produced great films in the past, but critics choose to ignore that, praise trash, and thus movies like Noll Tolerans and Hip Hip Hora get 10-star reviews. This movie sucks. I love movies and the Swedish movie industry makes me want to kill myself. Is this really the best we can do??Rant over.
hamlet-16 From the moment the car chase at the beginning of this film starts you know you are in for a thrilling ride to the end.I have watched a number of Swedish films of this genre on local cable here in Australia and have come to realise the Swedes make excellent thrillers.This film's plot is hardly original ... wrongly accused cop seeks truth and justice ....but it is done with such style and elegance (yes elegance, the production design, lighting and cinematography are superb)that the plot holes, mercifully few that there are, are hardly noticed.The actors (all unknown to me ...but I assume well known in Sweden) are excellent. The tough, thoughtful hero (Jakob Eklund)and the fearful villain (Peter Andersson) in particular add greatly to an already thoroughly satisfying film.Congratulations to all involved ..I hope the sequel "Livvakterna" is as successful.
AKS-6 I'm quite surprised since "Noll tolerans" is a Swedish thriller that actually works. It's far from perfect, but the basic premise (would *you* dare to testify?) is very interesting and the three leads (Jacob Eklund, Marie Richardson and Peter Andersson) are all great. The score is also very effective. The film is about fifteen minutes too long and I think the story could have needed some shortening, but it's still a good film. (6/10)
alex-363 When walking out of the cinema it was with a great smile. This is an amazingly well produced movie. All characters were starred brilliantly. The main cast; Jacob Eklund, Peter Andersson and Marie Rickardson were very trustworthy.It's a great move to leave Stockholm and show Sweden that the western parts of the country also is capable of producing high quality movies.