Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination
Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination
| 22 November 1963 (USA)
Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination Trailers

President John F. Kennedy is shown riding in an open-top car with his wife and several others, waving at crowds on the sidewalk. He is hit by a bullet and clutches his throat as the others react with surprise. Another shot hits Kennedy in the head and he collapses. A Secret Service agent runs up to the car, and Mrs. Kennedy climbs onto the trunk to pull him aboard as the car speeds away.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
2freensel I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
amandakstroud I don't think there's another piece of film that has been more dissected than the Zapruder film. For an amateur with vertigo, I think he did a very commendable job of capturing the scene, even as chaos ensued. From the Umbrella Man, to the Black Dog Man, to the Badgeman, this video has been the source of so many alleged "sightings" and conspiracy theories. While gruesome, it is also riveting. You cannot help but look closely at the film--to try to see what others have seen, or to spot something new--up until the goosebump-inducing frames when the President is shot.I ultimately gave this 9 out of 10. Honestly, this was arbitrary. How do you put a number on such history?
adam A piece of history that prooves that most film of historic events is quite often recorded by the general public.Also, that previous comment is a prime example of a conspiracy nut (one who blindly believes in the conpsiracy, instead of forming it for themselves) as they seem to ignore the fact that there were many people filming on that in different locations, which perfectly match the spreader film. (also, many of the so called mistakes can be atributed to the fact that it is an old camera that used photographic film that was on a spring based mechanism, which could easily have a speed that is not constant)
yenlo I remember when various stills from this film were printed in LIFE magazine but the actual head shot images were apparently forbidden to be seen at the time. Now this historic piece of film is available to all. It only lasts a few seconds but the important roll it has played in history is legendary. So many theories, questions, debates etc. about the assassination of the 35th president of the United States have been raised over the years and they almost always center around this small strip of film.
NJtoTX ...and it has yet to receive 5 votes. Granted it's only 26 seconds long, a little more than half the length of Bambi Meets Godzilla, and that darned road sign gets in the way of the camera at such a crucial time.It's amazing that Zapruder kept shooting as the real shooting started. We might otherwise have been left with images of running feet and chaos. The film, dissected later in Image of an Assassination - A New Look at the Zapruder Film (1998), clearly shows that the president and John Connolly were hit at different times and from different directions than was concluded by the Warren Commission.Or that was one magic loogie.