You Should Meet My Son!
You Should Meet My Son!
NR | 31 October 2010 (USA)
You Should Meet My Son! Trailers

A comedy about a conservative Southern mom who discovers that her only son is gay. Determined that he won’t go through life alone and miserable, she sets out to find him the perfect husband!

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
bkoganbing You know when I first came across this title I thought it would be New York Jewish. Instead it's a delightful southern fried gay comedy about a concerned mother who wants her son to finally get hitched. Not thrilled about her son being gay, nevertheless Joane McGee and her unmarried sister Carol Goans are going to do what they can to make son Stewart Carrico happy.Imagine the Dubois sisters invading an Atlanta gay bar in their best Lucy and Ethel manner. It's quite a sight as they make all kinds of new friends and invite them for dinner. Just like Jimmy Stewart and Harvey used to entertain.But Carrico is nothing if not a dutiful son and he's going to get married to a good Christian girl Ginger Pullman. Pullman and her fundamentalist parents collide at a dinner party thrown by McGee and the results are hilarious. Even Pullman rebels against her parents, a touch added to this Auntie Mame type climax.As you can see You Should Meet My Son takes some inspiration from many fine sources. It's a fine comedy from the gay cinema and I recommend it highly to all audiences.
tinevisce Set in Southern USA, this movie deals with a conservative mother's reaction to finding out her son is gay: she sets out to find him a husband!I read about this movie at, and it looked promising. Boy, oh, boy, does this movie deliver the goods! While it's true that it shows that the movie was shot on a shoestring budget, you honestly don't even think of it as any big impediment at all. In fact, it adds to the "earthy" feel of the entire movie.I did read that the accents were really supposed to be fake; but being from India, and never having been to the States, this isn't something that I could pick up on: I leave it to Americans to rate that particular aspect.I would have to say that the strongest aspect of the film would be the wonderfully quirky characters:Mae and Rose really shine in this film; hell, you could say it's THEIR movie.All in all, it's a light hearted movie which doesn't fall into the trap of taking itself too seriously.I totally recommend this one!
arizona-philm-phan ......think I just dated myself. I meant to say: What a "BLAST!" What's that you're saying....I'm still talk'n like an old guy. Okay, okay...just whisper it to me. I get it: What a "KICK-ASS!" pair these two ladies are.And I obviously agree with you. This Mom and this Aunt are all those Capital letters, above....rolled up together (and even more so, aren't they). What Gay youngster, having been thrown out on the streets of this world, wouldn't give for a mother and father, or any family member, like either Momma Mae or Auntie Rose? (They really deserve at least a half-Star, extra)Since you've probably already seen other reviews / comments outlining this story, let me only add that it is, basically, just the tale of a Gay young man, afraid to Come Out to the family. Yet, what makes this one pretty special is the verve.....the life.....the acceptance that just pours off the screen, and out over us, from these two marvelous ladies.Oh, and are there ANY bases not covered by first-time, feature length Director, Keith Hartman? Hmm...let's see now....I recall that they include:1 - Loss of the long-time boyfriend (don't worry...he doesn't die).2 - Discovery by family of someone's "abnormal" sexual orientation (a Big 6 on the Kinsey Scale).3 - Struggle over Acceptance.4 - Search for a suitable replacement, needed due to Item 1, above. (Doesn't hurt he's a gorgeously hunky go-go dancer, wearing tight briefs)5 - Attempt by "Kinsey 6" at a Heterosexual lifestyle.6 - Consideration of enrollment in a Gay Conversion Therapy program.7 - Time spent in cleaning up all the Holy Mess....created by Items 1 thru 6, above.8 - THE ENDPS--(It's a lot of Fun + Laughs----You'll enjoy it)****
imcginn I loved it! Fake accents or not, the primary purpose of film is to entertain its audience. I was entertained and my spirits were lifted. I watched this film on a day off from work with the flu. The only awkward part for me was the flower delivery scene.It was refreshing to see a film which portrays gay people who are actually happy. Some single, some not, all of them over 21. I guess there's something to be said for that. You go through the teen years feeling like a freak and believing the only way to get around is to be an arrogant little snot, like that 16 year old neighbour. It usually takes the experience of someone older to make you see the truth of the matter.The bathroom scene was so touching for me. To see the people in the room melt when they realise what's going on just made me want to hug my TV screen. I loved the portrayal of the mother, who just wants her son to be loved and happy. So she tried setting him up. When she realises her error, she goes through the normal panic, then readjusts her aim and tries even harder. I would love for her to be my Mum.Look, this may be "predictable", but it was far from trying too hard to make a point, and it made its points perfectly. I also like the bible bashing mother not being afraid to let her guests know that they are far from perfect themselves.It was nice to see that underneath the stereotypes of gay men there are real people who have real feelings and who are just wanting an easy life. There was not one character in this film who I didn't feel fitted perfectly. The leather goth couple, the icy drag queen and her protégé who melt and show their true loyalty, the bashful stripper artist who knows what he wants from life. Even the uptight religious bigots who had their own secrets to hide.Fabulous film, charming characters, amazing acting. I loved it, loved it, loved it.
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