You Move You Die
You Move You Die
| 04 July 2007 (USA)
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Mike has the girl, the time and the place.The problem is he doesn't have the ring, Before Mike has an opportunity to propose his engagement ring is stolen.Mike is desperate to recover it. He and his friends have one hour to get the ring back and make the date with his "beloved" Emma before all is lost. It is not long before it is revealed that Mike and his friends are not all that they seem.You move you die is a dark comedy filmed with a real time story. Get ready for a film with a unique dose of reality

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
MarplotRedux I bought this as the third disc in a set labeled Thugs and Guns; that label applies especially well to this film. Either you like depictions of ruthless, insensitive violence or you don't. I do, but then I'm also a devoted fan of Cheld's Play's Chucky: Go, doll baby, go! Despite what another reviewer (birck) wrote, I found the camera work in this movie forceful, compelling in its through-the-eye-of-the-pep way. As the camera moves around, you do too. The movie's split-screen effects were distracting at first, but as I got more and more used to them, also quite effective. Yes, throughout most of the movie it was very, very unclear why the leads were doing what they were doing, but the explanation at the end was most satisfactory. Though unrealistic and unrealistically bloodless, the many, many action scenes were also well done. However, unlike my feelings toward Chucky, I kept hoping that the lead characters would each come to painful final ends. "Did they?" Gosh, would I write a Spoiler? One warning: over the years I've worked with several Australians. To be sure, the characters depicted are New Zealanders, but both drive on the wrong side of the street. Language used by the Aussies I've known is much more cooth than that of these Kiwi gentlemen, In particular, their use of the f word becomes monotonous, becomes vain repetition. This harms the movie; otherwise I'd have given it a 7,
ajptonner I bought this film for nothing in a Chinese market and sat down to watch it. The only thing on the cover in English was the title. For the first ten minutes I was trying to decide whether this film had been made by some kind of movie school in the UK or not, but to my growing joy I was proved wrong. Set in some town in New Zealand(Aukland maybe), the film is basically about a day in the life of a bunch of 'hard men/wise boys' out to get back something stolen from their leader in a mugging. The story has obvious flaws - but tell me one that doesn't.The dialogue is absolutely spot on. This is how we really speak. At least the gentlemen I know speak like this "you're a knob jockey" being a fine example that comes to mind.Upon close of the film I found I had come across a great bunch of characters and all in their own way likable and recognisable from my own experiences. The lead duo I thought were superb, and you can tell while watching the film they were enjoying themselves. It's all done with a great sense of fun and lust for life. If you are interested in watching a well made film, full action, great dialogue, magic characters, funny as hell - and without the biblical references, social pap, bare knuckle fighting and blood (although Mr Richie does this well) political correctness, etc. etc. - then here it be. Marvelous work! Lets have another one.
roger-hepburn this film is essentially a lark about by some guys from new Zealand and really that is all it is, I don't think when they made the movie the filmmakers were thinking that this was going to be a world wide blockbuster or an intellectual indie thought provoker they simply made a movie that they thought would be fun and hoped that others would as well. I watch movies that are better than this on paper every day- if you break films down to their component parts - but sometimes, just sometimes you enjoy a movie for the sheer fun it gave you. This movie doesn't have a 10 out of 10 script. this movie doesn't have a 10 out of 10 score. this movie doesn't have a 10 out of 10 cast. this movie doesn't have a 10 out of 10 director. this movie doesn't have a 10 out of 10 cinematographer. BUT.... This movie does give 10 out of 10 enjoyment!!There are some great pieces of dialogue and some good set pieces, yes some of the acting is wooden and some of the action-fighting sequences are a bit crappy but they are still 10 out of 10 enjoyable.Listening to some of the critics on this site and you would never watch anything.DO YOUR SELF A FAVOUR SIT DOWN WATCH THIS WITH YOUR FAVOURITE POISON AND ENJOY!!No it isn't Shakespeare or Polanski or Hitchcock or even Michael Mann it just fun.
ragabonds Don't let the fact that this film is low budget put you off. I know it's annoying to watch low budget films with it's shaky camera action (which you don't see that often in this film just a bit at the beginning with the bike), but the story line and the dialogue in this film makes up for the fact that it's low budget. The film moves at a fast pace and at no point was I bored. Now on the other hand if they had invested more in this film and shot it at a better location, I'd say this would be a pretty big hit. If this was picked up by a major Hollywood production house, I'd definitely give this film a 10/10. Thoroughly enjoyed the action and dialogue.