You for Me
You for Me
| 19 July 1952 (USA)
You for Me Trailers

A good-hearted nurse gets mixed up with a millionaire who could help her hospital.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
bkoganbing You For Me casts Peter Lawford as a man that people seemingly think he's made of money because he has a lot of it. That's because he was left a whole lot of it by his late father from his fertilizer business. Peter has a lot of that as well. One of his father's charities was the local hospital where Gig Young toils at research when not doing surgery and Jane Greer works as a nurse, a profession she love though the pay stinks.Lawford has need of the hospital when during a hunting trip he gets shot where his assets are at. A nice load of buckshot has him in surgery where he feels he's not getting his proper share of attention because of the money he gives them.Of course that sets up the whole romantic triangle of this comedy with Jane Greer getting involved with both heir Lawford and Doctor Young. Guess who she winds up with?Slight comedy from MGM's B picture unit with a few laughs. In the supporting cast note Kathryn Card as the head nurse who is not one to be trifled with, Howard Wendell who is the officious head of the hospital and butt kisser number one when he's after Lawford's money and Rita Corday who is Lawford's ex-wife and the source of some considerable cash flow problems.
blanche-2 "You for Me" is a second feature starring the beautiful Jane Greer, Peter Lawford, and Gig Young. Elaine Stewart appears at the end of the film looking va-va-va-voom gorgeous.Lawford is a wealthy man, Tony Brown, a potential donor to the hospital, who comes to the hospital with a rather embarrassing injury. Nurse Katie McDermad, who was on her way out shopping when this emergency came in, isn't too sympathetic. She doesn't realize who he is, and her sarcasm isn't appreciated. She's fired.Dr. Chadwick (Young) advises Katie that the money Brown intended to donate before she was so nasty is needed for his research project, so she goes to his room to apologize to him. She soon finds herself in the middle of a triangle, with both men attracted to her. Meanwhile, she has to deal with her middle class family at home.Very slight comedy, but I'm a big fan of Jane Greer's. She's lovely and Lawford is charming and exceptionally handsome. Gig Young is affable. They just didn't have too much to work with.You can skip this one, but if you're a fan of Jane Greer's, see it. She's in little enough.
joeblondiemonco The first fifteen minutes are a lark. Jane Greer displays her great comedic timing which never was used to its best potential (for Greer at her comedic best, catch "The Big Steal").After the first fifteen minutes, the film drags. Greer's character loses all of her comedic appeal, becoming just another girl looking for love, while Peter Lawford, Gig Young, and the rest of the cast try a bit too hard to sound funny, failing miserably and chewing up scenery in return.Fortuneately, the charm of Jane Greer made this 70 minutes too long film worth sitting the whole way through. But she, and Gig Young have done far better work then this programmer.
Eric Chapman Glib, engaging romantic comedy with a sitcom-like feel, but a GOOD sitcom, with well-rehearsed actors delivering consistently witty dialogue with impeccable timing and skill. The film has a loose, likeable quality that seems to flow naturally from Jane Greer's down-to-earth, girl-next-door (but not the bland, idealized girl-next door) acting style. Her nurse is nobody's fool but also nobody's girl and therein lies the conflict. Peter Lawford and Gig Young, typically second leads, are also in good form. Here, the two of them together add up to one more than adequate leading man. It truly is a contest and a mystery which one Greer will choose. They complement each other well; neither is all hero or heel.What's most remarkable about the picture and most indicative of its quality is how minor characters keep surprising you. Young's Aunt Clara, who in other films would be a daffy but lovable eccentric overflowing with relationship wisdom and sage advice, is here a not completely innocuous free-thinker with radical beliefs. In a scene where Young introduces her to Greer, the two don't bond instantly as one expects; instead Greer squirms at the old woman's peculiar ideas about the medical profession and even challenges them (to little avail). Tommy Farrell's goofy, unthreatening intern, Dr. Rollie Gibb, in what would ordinarily be the thankless THIRD lead, gets kicked in the shin a few times for laughs early on, but emerges by film's end, refreshingly, as not only more of a man than Greer had ever imagined but also a bit of a hero. Scenes like this show that the filmmaker isn't on auto-pilot and is truly interested in fleshing out this fictional world and populating it with people, not types.I don't do many reviews these days but when I saw how this was being so unjustly maligned I had to mount a defense. You for Me may be a small forgotten film, but most fair-minded viewers who stumble across it will be surprised at how good it really is. 50 years later it holds up remarkably well.