Yor, the Hunter from the Future
Yor, the Hunter from the Future
| 19 August 1983 (USA)
Yor, the Hunter from the Future Trailers

In prehistoric times, the muscular Yor saves his cave-babe from a dinosaur just before they get zapped into the future to battle bad guys in the familiar desolate wasteland.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Micitype Pretty Good
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Joel Newman An Italian produced sci-fi/prehistoric adventure; a strangely original blend of ideas. I like the locations (shot in Turkey I believe); you actually feel like you're in some prehistoric land. This film's got heart and soul; the actors are so sincere; they obviously thought they were doing something important. This unintentionally funny and yet boring film has scantily clad women; club wielding neanderthals, androids, laser battles; a spaceship and dinosaur/monster thingy's (not badly done considering the budget and no CGI). And Roa played by the beautiful Ayshe Gul (as mysterious as the film itself); what happened to her? The ending leaves room for a sequel! Ha ha. Did anyone seriously think there was going to be a sequel? The synthesizer music's great too, as is the theme song: Yor's world! He's the man!
Aaron1375 This film was not the best movie ever made, but as far as the Conan clones that came out in other countries this one was certainly not the worst of that bunch. It tries to do some different things for a movie of its types while doing some of the things these types of movies are known for mainly the giant puppet monsters and the completely off the wall scenes like hang gliding with a flying dinosaur. What is a super cool caveman who questions who he is supposed to do? The movie goes by quick, I am guessing they knew it was not an award winning masterpiece or anything so keep it short and simple and throw in a really strange yet catchy theme song to really get the audience going. Or to make them more confused as you find out the strange truth behind Yor the hunter from the future, something tells me he is related to the Robot Ghost of Christmas Past From The Future of Aqua Teen Hungar force fame. Still, you have some interesting things to see here, there is action and you get to watch as they just launch a super powered jet as an explosion occurs cuing yet another round of that strange song that is most highly energetic. No, it is no masterpiece (let's face it Reb Brown is the star of this one), but it is bad enough to be rather entertaining in its own strange little way.
randommesspaul The first thing that needs to be said about this movie, is something that should, and shall, be said about all Reb Brown movies. REB BROWN RUNS LIKE A GIRL. There, I am glad I have got that out of the way. This is something that is apparent from the word go in this movie. Yor dramatically enters, and proceeds to skip across the desert, arm flailing about, and generally he is looking like he has never ran across rough terrain before. I sure this wasn't the intention. I'm sure, that the intention was for Yor to come across as quite adept and at home in this barren landscape. Equipped with nothing more than an axe, a loincloth and a fantastic theme tune, I sure he was supposed to appear to be some kind of natural hunter, at one with his surroundings and senses. But unfortunately, as I have said before, REB BROWN RUNS LIKE A GIRL.That said, everybody should be like Yor. Everybody should have their own them tune. A theme tune that not only can inspire you to achieve great things in your life, but can also inspire those around you to become better people, and put their absolute trust in you. Yor's theme tune is great. It does all that a personal theme tune should do. It spontaneously burst into play whenever he does something slightly random, like killing a giant bat and using it as a hang glider, or performing fantastic trapeze stunts with an ageing, fat caveman who has man-boobs. But more about those incidents later.Yor is a hunter. Quite what he hunts is a mystery to me. With this movie apparently set in Pre-historic times, surely everybody is a hunter, therefore making the term 'hunter' meaningless. Nonetheless, yor is a hunter. In this, his first and only movie, he quickly befriends the saggy old man, Pac, and a very clean cave woman called Kala. Together, they travel through prehistoric lands, accidentally destroying every single tribe, village or civillisation that they happen to come across. I mean all. Sorry to give that one away, but seriously. Yor is the cause of the destruction of no less than five tribes of people. Sometimes intensional, sometimes purely by accident. He is one of those people that you really would try your best to divert from your village. He is however, quite adept at killing mutated paper-mache dinosaurs. I say mutated, because they are quite simply like no dinosaurs I have ever seen, and react like no creatures I have ever heard of. The first being a cross between a stegosaurus and a triceretops, a tristegoceretops if you will. But after killing it, he does what every hunter would do, drinks it's blood, but as he so wisely puts it, "drinking the blood of your enemy makes you stronger". Then there is the giant bat. The most useful creature in his entire world. Not only does it fly past at just the right time, but this creature conveniently goes into instant rigour Mortis, even before it hits the ground. This allows Yor to use the said bat as a hang glider to fly into a cave, rescue Kala, and you guessed it, entirely wipe out the tribe that kidnapped her. Fantastic stuff.This is a very interesting world, it has to be said.There are a few things that can be learnt from this movie. the first being you can make absolutely anything out of straw. Straw seems to be the most versatile substance in the entire world. Pac's bow and arrows are made from it, villages are entirely made from it, they even sail a boat made from straw. Which bring me to my next learning point, if you are planning to sail to a place called 'The island of Storms', don't do it in a straw boat. That really is just asking for trouble.But it is at the island of storms that the movie takes an unexpected twist (at least it would be if the blurb on the back of the video box din't tell you the entire plot of the movie). The movie gets invaded by a completely different movie altogether. But not just any movie, it gets invaded by a cheap remake of Star Wars. Led by the 'Overlord' who is a dead ringer for the Emperor, and his team of robots, who are dead ringers for Darth Vader, they capture Yor and demand to take over the movie. Despite futile efforts to resist, Yor is eventually forced to submit to there demands and pick up his blaster rifle to continue the battle. Something which he learns to use confidently in a very short space of time. It is a skill he uses efficiently in his other movie, Space MUtiny, where he also RUNS LIKE A GIRL, SCREAMS LIKE A GIRL and generally acts ALL GIRLIE LIKE.
rspress This film is so bad that it actually is worth watching to see what they ripped off from other films.The last half of this film is what you really need to tune in for. When out hero Yor, played by B movie golden boy Reb Brown and his friends are transported to a futuristic city. Why do B- Movie cities of the future always look like the basement of a water treatment plant? Yor has to battle the evil emperor, who looks strangely close to the evil emperor in the star wars films and his evil robots, who also strangely look like Darth Vader. To be fair the evil emperor has been working on new robots. These new more intelligent robots look like they have been chewing there stitches and had plastic collars put on them to make them stop. Best of all when Yor is fighting we are treated to a kicking rock soundtrack that sounds like a bad rip-off of Queens Flash Gordon soundtrack. You expect to hear "Yor, leader of the universe, Ah-ah, he'll save every one of us." If you can stop laughing during the fight scenes notice how everyone has to stay in the same place during the laser battle to make it easy for the special effects people to draw in the laser shots. Also notice the high tech control room the rebel city dwellers are in, it also bears a strange resemblance to the control room of a water treatment plant. Yes, they have mastered gravity but they still have large analog dials. If you liked Star Wars, He Man and the Masters of the Universe or Queens Flash Gordon soundtrack then catch this movie on cable because they ripped them all off and did a very bad job of it. Don't spend money to rent it. This movie is so bad it may make you smile!