PG-13 | 17 July 1999 (USA)
Yonggary Trailers

A team of scientists working on a remote dig site find the buried body of an enormous monster, perfectly preserved even after 200 million years. As soon as the beast is uncovered, however, an alien spacecraft suddenly appears above them and brings the monster back to life! The creature immediately sets about levelling the surrounding urban landscape and shrugging off the best firepower the military can throw at it. A lone scientist, working on decrypting an ancient set of hieroglyphics, may be on the verge of finding the aliens' weak point, but will it be too late?

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Brian Barron Bad acting, Bad CGI, Bad Plot, Badly thought out Aliens. The only thing saving it from a 1 rating is that it has Rocket Rangers (not what they call them, but you know what I mean when I say it). They are, of course, poorly done and poorly thought out - but I have trouble giving a really crappy rating to any movie featuring a squad of jet-pack equipped soldiers. Of course the Aliens make it impossible to give any rating higher. They can teleport and mind-control the monster, blast cities, and have been around for 200+ million years and yet they are defeated because without mind control Yonggary (the fire-breathing monster) is good and like humanity.The climactic final CGI battle occurs when the Aliens send in a tentacle-using electric Turtle (the writers must be watching too much Hentai) that Yonggary blows up by shooting a fireball into the shell while the electric turtle has its head withdrawn. Overall, just say no.
NavyOrion Wow, this is a real stinker! With a stupid plot (deep-voiced lobsterish aliens with a plot to destroy Earth using a fire-breathing dinosaur), lousy effects (even worse than the typical Sci-Fi Channel original), and acting that often makes the work in any old Godzilla retread look good in comparison, "Reptilian" is so bad that you won't be able to look away.Regarding that acting, special notice has to go to Richard Livingston as Dr. Campbell. For a while, I thought his tendency to gaze off-camera while reciting his dialog was supposed to indicate that he had been hypnotized by the aliens, but apparently it's just the result of either amazing overacting, or an inability to remember his lines, making cue cards necessary. Fortunately, he gets squashed like a grape before this becomes really annoying. You have to wonder what other careers he tried before deciding that acting was where he really shines.The rest of the cast is almost as laughable, with the possible exception of Harrison Young (Dr. Hughes), who's probably doing about all that can be done with the lines he was given. To be honest, he's probably the reason I sat through the movie anyway, as I spent the whole time trying to figure out where I'd seen him before (it turns out Young played the old version of Ryan at the end of "Saving Private Ryan) but I would have missed a real treat if I had changed the channel.The effects are pretty bad, too; I thought maybe the monster was supposed to be glowing from radiation or something, but unless I missed some explanation, it's evidently just really cheap effects work. You have to wonder why the pilots attacking the monster didn't start shooting lower after watching him duck the first five or six missiles. Also why Captain Parker (Briant Wells) thinks his machine gun and jet pack will do anything to Yong Gary that fighter jets have not.Just when the futile attacks start to get tedious, though, the giant dinosaur gets a lobotomy, breaking the aliens' control over him. Of course, that just means you need a new monster, and the alien attackers quickly send a new one so we can have a battle royale between Gary and the new one. Considering that in the end our new buddy Yong Gary is carted off to storage on a deserted island somewhere, it's amazing that there has never been a sequel made (I mean, c'mon, we're up to "Saw VI" already.) Certainly this is not a serious movie; it's not even a good movie. But at 2:00 in the morning (the only time you're likely to find it being shown) it's pretty entertaining, if not in the way its producers intended. "Reptilian" is one that will be appreciated by any aficionado of bad sci-fi.
gparshal Not worst movie ever, because it contained the immortal line "That thing makes Godzilla look like a pussy!" However, the effect were banal, there were too many plot cliches, and the acting was not merely wooden, it was petrified.But, it was funnily bad, in ways that could easily be pointed out. Thus, I would have picked this for Mike and the Bots to abuse instead of "Overdrawn At the Memory Bank," this week's MST3K offering.Besides the above line about Godzilla, I liked the one deviation from cliche that this flick offered. At one point the commander of the elite ranger unit "T-force" describes how dangerous the mission to blast the monster will be and one sensible soul actually has the temerity to back out of the suicide mission - and they let him quit! I loved it. Of course, there was an eager young lieutenant right there to volunteer to wield the dropout's "Hellblazer," of which the new cannon fodder stated "I've studied its designs and protocols." Gotta love total misuse of the language in scenes where the moviemaker's actually trying to be serious.Please - make this movie the next MST3K release in theaters.
harveyrook How on earth do movies like this get made? Is it like... "Hey! I've got a few hundred thousand to spare. Let's write a lame script with lots of bad dialogue, hire dozens of mediocre actors and throw in a bunch of stupid special effects! What a great idea!"There many scenes and lines that were just pointless. There were just there to fill up time. Then there was the lame 'B' plot about (plot spoiler again) the secret goverment agency trying to get their hands on the aliens. The whole development of this plot is little more than "I can't let the good guys destroy the monster, because then the aliens won't come down. And I must have the aliens. Bwahahah."Huh?
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