Yo-Yo Girl Cop
Yo-Yo Girl Cop
| 30 September 2006 (USA)
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Recruited by a clandestine police organization, "K" must stop a plot by student radicals to create anarchy in Japan. Armed with a hi-tech steel yo-yo, and a new name (Asamiya Saki), she must infiltrate an elite high school to find the terrorists but finds an even more sinister plan is about to unfold.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
UberNoodle I saw the film at the cinema years ago and came out as the only person in the group that appeared to like it. SOme of my friends begrudgingly let slip that "the actions scenes were cool" or that "the chicks were hot", and it was then that I updated my list of people not to see movies with.Yes, the main girl is cute and yes the action scenes are cool, but in my mind a film doesn't earn the designation "crap" because it doesn't sate one's thirst for blood and titillation. Sadly it seems that Japanese film has scored a legion of followers expecting everything to be "extreme". It doesn't help that Western marketers pander to this lowest common denominator. This latest Sukeban Deka movie is pure teen drama and super-hero action and it doesn't need misogynistic violence, tentacles or acupuncture needles in tender places to be entertaining.The main character is established early on as the daughter of now outcast original "Sukeban Deka", translating to "Girl-gang leader Detective". She is reportedly just as cute and just as aggressive as her mum. After a very stylish intro and opening credits (cool rotoscoping) the daughter, taking her mother's old moniker, Asamiya, as well as her old job, is sent to investigate an Internet based terrorist organisation. It is here that the film sets into "highschool detective" mode where all manner of tangled intra-personal troubles and dark motivations are unraveled.Anyone familiar with the above genre will probably know what that entails: bullies, student politics, trust and friendship, and there is nothing wrong with that. Interspersed with the detective work is intrigue, action and character building enough to draw the viewer along to the climax, which is comprised of a couple of great action setpeices but unfortunately a slightly disappointing conclusion.Kenta Fukasaku has put together a stylish film that works well within obvious budget constraints and ultimately delivers some great cheesy fun, reminiscent of the TV dramas before it. No, it isn't gory, and no, those expecting the next "Asia Extreme Gorefest" with blood, bodily fluids and TnA all over the place, are not going to be happy. But if you can put aside your base desires and just enjoy the flimsy teen drama and cheesy action, you will enjoy yourself.
Ofanite_of_Destiny The latest entry in the decades-old "Sukeban Deka" franchise is a worthy successor to the name, and while it isn't at all necessary to be familiar with the other incarnations of the title to enjoy the film, it does help the viewer catch a few mythology gags and shout-outs here and there. Production values are amazingly high for a low-budget Japanese film; it looks almost like a mid-budget Hollywood effort at times, which is a tribute to the director and the production design team, as well as their selection of impressive and sometimes beautiful locations for shooting. It does suffer from a couple mysterious plot holes particularly near the climax, but they shouldn't really impede enjoyment of the surprisingly well-crafted story. Aya Matsuura's dark and gritty turn at Saki is a pleasant surprise to anyone who knows her primarily from her uber-cutesy idol persona "Ayaya", and Rika Ishikawa likewise successfully plays against her image in her role as bad-girl high school queen Reika. Despite the goofy sound of the title in English, this is easily worth the money to rent or even buy.
kosmasp ... but the good news is: It's self-awareness of that! It's not another "Azumi", in trying to be dramatic with a premise that is just so outrageously over the top (see the English title, I won't spoil anything from the story), that it would only hurt the movie, if it'd take itself seriously. As I said, there are other movies who do that, but not this fun ride (if you let yourself free and enjoy it, you'll have a good time).It's also recommended to watch it with a few friends. OK (almost) any movie will improve while watching it with friends, or at least the experience most likely will, but this could be best described as "Boys Nights out" movie!
BA_Harrison Japanese comic-book craziness abounds in this manga-based movie from director Kenta 'BR2' Fukasaku, and whilst it might not be the greatest action flick ever made, it does feature a yo-yo duel between two sexy babes sporting leather and PVC outfits. That in itself is a reason to watch as far as I'm concerned!Aya Matsuura stars as Saki, a (hot) rebellious teenager who is recruited by a special law-enforcement agency to work undercover in a school where students are being being turned to anarchy by a mysterious website that is counting down to an unknown event. With only 72 hours to go, Saki must try and find out who is behind the site (named Enola Gay, after the plane that dropped the H-bomb on Hiroshima), and what is due to happen when the counter reaches zero.Saki befriends Tae, a (hot) nerd (Yui Okada), who she defends from a group of (hot) school bullies, led by (the very hot) Reika (Rika Ishikawa). And it is Tae who helps Saki discover what exactly is going on, who is responsible, and why.Yo-Yo Girl Cop is an incredibly stylised movie: it begins with some impressive opening credits (in which the silhouetted title character flings her spinning weapon across the screen) and the 'artistic flourishes' continue right up to the finalé. Sometimes the trendy editing gets a bit annoying (particularly with irritating sound effects accompanying every cut or zoom), but it generally suits the subject matter, so I'm willing to be a little more forgiving about this particular bugbear of mine in this instance.Unfortunately, the film doesn't really get going until towards the very end, when Saki gets seriously miffed and dons her sexy getup. Up until that point, she only dabbles in a bit of generally unimpressive yo-yo flinging and gets involved in a couple of brief dust-ups—nothing too spectacular. Much of the time prior to this is spent on developing a plot line about bullying in the school—a commendable bit of social commentary which is vital to the plot, but not exactly riveting stuff.For many western viewers, Yo-Yo Girl Cop, with its OTT action and convoluted plot, might be too much to handle. But for those who have learnt to appreciate the manic style of eastern fantasy cinema, it is passable entertainment.It's also recommended viewing for those who dig Japanese cuties in PVC hot-pants.
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