WWE The Great American Bash 2004
WWE The Great American Bash 2004
| 27 June 2004 (USA)
WWE The Great American Bash 2004 Trailers

The Great American Bash (2004) was the 15th Great American Bash professional wrestling pay-per-view event, and the first produced by World Wrestling Entertainment. The event, presented by Subway, took place on June 27, 2004 at the Norfolk Scope in Norfolk, Virginia and was a SmackDown! brand-exclusive event. The main event was a Handicap match between The Dudley Boyz and The Undertaker. One of the featured matches on the undercard was a Texas Bullrope match for the WWE Championship between John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL) and champion Eddie Guerrero. Another primary match on the undercard was Rey Mysterio versus Chavo Guerrero for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
SlyGuy21 For my first review on the site I figured I should cover the worst PPV I've ever seen. I've seen countless PPVs over the years, and this is only the second one that I will not even consider seeing again (the other one being Backlash 2003). You know you have a bad card when three matches are made three days before the show, and one is made the night of. Granted the Smackdown roster was pretty lacking given the departure of Lesnar, and Benoit's move to RAW, but that doesn't excuse these being on a PPV. The 1st match is a slow starter, 2nd match is a squash, 3rd match is the best of the night, 4th match is F'N terrible, 5th match is a terrible women's match, 6th match is a squash, the WWE title match is slow, and has the added feature of an annoying cowbell ringing for 21 minutes, and the main event is a 2 on 1 handicap match that has zero suspense because the only way the Dudleyz could beat the Undertaker is if they shot him in the head. The only reason this isn't a 1 out of 10 is because the Mysterio/Chavo match is really good, but it's on a Rey Mysterio "Best of" DVD, so you don't need to see the PPV to see it. And, I watched it on the WWE network so I didn't have to pay full price for it.
nick_6100 I though that WWE Great American Bash 2004 was one of the worst WWE Pay Per views that we have seen in a long time. And I was right, thank-god I didn't spend my hard earned money on this. I watched it for free via the Internet streaming.1. John Cena defeated. Booker T, Rene Dupree, Rob Van Dam in a Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match to Retain the United States Championship. This match was a very bad opener.Rating: 4/10 ( D - )2. Luther Reigns w/Kurt Angle defeated. Charlie Haas w/Miss Jackie This should have been on SmackDown!, Velocity not Pay Per View.Rating: 1/10 ( F )3. Rey Mysterio defeated. Chavo Guerrero to retain Cruiserweight Championship. A very great match indeed lots of action too. Best match of the night.Rating: 7/10 ( C + )4. Kenzo Suzuki w/Hirokio defeated. Billy Gunn Like I said for Haas vs. Reigns match this should have been on SmackDown! not Pay Per View.Rating: 0/10 ( F )5. Sable defeated. Torrie Wilson in a average divas match. Before Sable was in a bathtub wtf.Rating: 0/10 ( F )6. Mordecai defeated. Hardcore Holly in a not so good match. This should of also been on SmackDown! or Velocity.Rating: 2/10 ( F )7. John "Bradshaw" Layfield defeated. Eddie Guerrero to win the WWE Championship in a Texas Bullrope Match. This match was second best in my mind. I thought Eddie had won but then General Manager Kurt Angle dropped a big bomb and showed a replay of JBL touching the last turnbuckle before Eddie did, new Champion JBL.Rating 6/10 ( C )8. The Undertaker defeated. The Dudley Boyz w/Paul Heyman in a Concrete Crypt Handicap Match, this match was really dull and boring, for the first time ever an Undertaker match turned out to be garbage.Rating: 3/10 ( F )Taker would then crypt Bearer in concrete.Overall: Worst PPV of 2004.The Great American Bash 2004: 3/10 ( F )
kliko400 I bought this Smackdown pay per view on DVD & I've got to say, I was not disappointed.First match- John Cena vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rene Dupree vs. Booker T in a Fatal 4 way match for the WWE United States Championship.A very great opener which Rob Van Dam first gets eliminated by a roll-up by John Cena. Second Rene Dupree gets eliminated after an F-U by John Cena but Booker T covers to eliminate Dupree. Third & last Booker T gets eliminated after an F-U by John Cena who wins the whole Fatal 4 way match to keep his WWE United States Championship. 6/10 Second match- Luther Reigns w/ Kurt Angle vs. Charlie Haas w/ Miss Jackie {This match was added as a bonus match after an backstage encounter between Charlie Haas & Kurt Angle} Believe it or not this was actually a great match which Charlie Haas tried to pull the best he can to win but to no avail Luther Reigns nailed a freaky looking neck breaker to get the win. 4/10 Third match- Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship These two blow the roof off the arena when they meet one on one in the ring. Despite injuring his knee during the match & getting it targeted by Chavo Guerrero. Mysterio was able to reverse a Gory Bomb into a roll-up attempt to get the victory & still keep his WWE Cruiserweight title. 7/10 Fourth match- Mordecai vs. Hardcore Holly This was just a slight brawl by these two men nothing special. Mordecai wins after what looks like a Crucifix Powerbomb. 3/10 Fifth match- Torrie Wilson vs. Sable Diva matches like these are always boring especially this one. Sable pulls out the victory on Torrie after a reverse roll-up. 2/10 Sixth match-Kenzo Suzuki w/ Hiroko vs. Billy Gunn Another boring match which Kenzo Suzuki pulls out the victory. 2/10 Seventh match- JBL vs. Eddie Guerrero in a Texas Bullrope match for the WWE Championship.Now knowing that this was a first Texas Bullrope match it wasn't really bad. Eddie Guerrero touched the four corners to win. But after the match, Kurt Angle came & said JBL's shoulder touched the pole first which led the decision that Eddie Guerrero lost & JBL won which mean't that JBL was surprisingly the new WWE Champion. 5/10 Eight match- Undertaker vs. Dudley Boys in a 1-2 handicap match Undertaker defeated the Dudley Boys in a good but a bit boring match. After the match Taker decides to not join Heyman's team & therefore let his close friend Paul Bearer get buried in cement. 4/10 So this is the Smackdown pay per view event that I have on DVD & it really isn't that bad, it's pretty good.Overall: Not bad pay per view event as I'll give it a 7/10 & a C
Steve Donnachie I just went to Walmart of all places to get a wrestling DVD{not good choices guys} and they had the great American Bash on DVD so I thought what the heck it looks pretty good. So I bought it,got home and watched it and man did I feel ripped off. I had more trouble trying to stay interested in this then I did trying to actually watch it. They had like 2 good matches but the rest of the card had slow boring matches.1. John Cena vs RVD vs Renne Dupree vs Booker T. The first match for Booker T and Renne Dupreee since the pointless draft of Smackdown and Raw of 2004. I guess it started out OK but the match got kind of stupid as it became more of a 1 on 1 match when just 2 of the 4 wrestlers would fight each other and there would be 2 more wrestlers outside the ring doing nothing. Its a fatal 4 way guys. That means all 4 wrestlers are supposed to fight in this. Anyways I'm no John Cena fan but I thought he really kept the crowd interested in this. So did Booker T. They have pretty good chemistry. I give this match a 2 out of 10.2. Charlies Hass vs Luther Reigns. This was a terrible match. Charlie Hass how far you have fallen since your tag team days with Shelton Benjamen. Charlie Hass did have to carry Luther through this match who looked lost at times and didn't seem like he knew what he was doing. This match got really good when it ended.3.Billy Gunn vs Kenso Susuki. Another bad match with missed spots. The match itself was so and it was hard to stay interested. You would think after 10 years of being in the WWE that they would push Billy Gunn better. But this had to be the worst match ever.4. Rey Mystero vs Chavo Gurerrero. Good match,high movies,great fast paced action. Finally it was starting to get good. Rey and Chavo work great together and they managed to wake up the fans in this match. This is the way a wrestling match should be. Fast paced and more then just punching and kicking.5. Hardcore Holly vs Mordeci. Not the best match. Hardcore Holly put the rookie over and the fact is the WWE much like the way they are using Billy Gunn,are doing the same thing to Hardcore Holly. Used to push wrestlers that can't wrestle.6. Eddie Guerrero vs JBL. Man this was the match that start a pointless JBL push. The guy can't wrestle at all. All he does is punch and kick. Not a bad match but I feel sorry for the WWE having to let Eddie lose the title to a man with no ability rather then keep the title on a man who has ability. And people wonder why Smackdown ratings have been down since JBL won the title.7. Undertaker vs the Dudley Boyz. This match wasn't what it could have been. I was expecting more violence in this one. The fact is this match was more of a tag team match then a 2 on 1 match. And the way they handled this storyline was awful. The Dudleys are OK but this wasn't the storyline for them. The Undertaker put on a OK match but he was better of as the American Badass. Besides if you look real carefully the Undertaker looked really bored during this match and looked like he didn't want to be part of this Paul Bearer abducting angle anymore.I gotta tell ya after seeing this pay per view it makes me wonder what ever happened to the heart of the WWE. Skip this pay per view by any means.