WWE Royal Rumble 2003
WWE Royal Rumble 2003
| 19 January 2003 (USA)
WWE Royal Rumble 2003 Trailers

Royal Rumble (2003) was the sixteenth annual Royal Rumble PPV. It was presented by PlayStation and took place on January 19, 2003 at the Fleet Center in Boston, Massachusetts. As has been customary since 1993, the Royal Rumble match winner received a match at that year's WrestleMania, for his choice at either the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship. Six professional wrestling matches were featured at the event. The main event was the annual 30-man Royal Rumble match, which featured wrestlers from both brands. The primary match on the Raw brand was Triple H versus Scott Steiner for the World Heavyweight Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was between Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit for the WWE Championship. The featured match on the undercard was a Royal Rumble qualification match between Brock Lesnar and The Big Show.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
kliko400 This wasn't really a bad Royal Rumble PPV. The Rumble itself was alright as it could have been better.FIRST MATCH- BROCK LESNAR VS. BIG SHOW W/ PAUL HEYMAN WINNER ADVANCES IN THE ROYAL RUMBLE just a big man vs. big man match. Most are pretty boring & this one is a bit. It's good to see Lesnar get the win by carrying the big man, Big Show up for an F-5 to get the win & will advance in the Royal Rumble. 3/10 SECOND MATCH- DUDLEY BOYS VS. LANCE STORM & WILLIAM REGAL FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP Pretty bad tag team match. But the only great thing is to see the Dudley Boys win to become the new World Tag Team Champions. 3/10 THIRD MATCH- TORRIE Wilson VS. DAWN MARIE Boring Diva match. Torrie Wilson gets the win over Dawn Marie as I hope this ridiculous feud between them has stopped. 2/10 FOURTH MATCH- TRIPLE H W/ RIC FLAIR VS. SCOTT STEINER FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP This match was a bit draggy, slow & sloppy at some times. But it picked on okay a little bit near the end. With Steiner almost dominating the whole match, HHH gets himself DQ'd on purpose after Ric Flair interfered. Steiner won by DQ but HHH is still the World Champ. Steiner goes mad on both men & beats HHH on after the match. 4/10 FIFTH MATCH- KURT ANGLE VS. CHRIS BENOIT FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP Wow, these two men blew the roof off the arena when they stepped toe to toe in the ring together. Both Benoit & Angle seriously know their own techniques & moves in the ring. A lot of reverse by both men but in the end after both men try to make each other tap out, Angle locks in the Angle Lock & after long minutes, Benoit finally taps out giving Angle the win to retain his WWE Championship. What a match. 6/10 SIXTH MATCH- ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH Good Royal Rumble match, not the best of course but it was still alright. The final 4 are Kane, Undertaker, Batista & Brock Lesnar. Undertaker eliminates Batista, then turns his back on Kane & eliminates him as well. Suddenly Brock Lesnar comes behind & eliminates him from the Rumble as Brock Lesnar has won the Royal Rumble & will be going to Wrestlemania XIX to verse the WWE Champion in the mainevent. 7/10 Wasn't really a bad Royal Rumble, but it could have seriously been better if the matches just took a bit longer. The match between Angle & Benoit was just the best as it was plain perfect.Overall: I'll give it 6/10 & a D+
Evan ROYAL RUMBLE 2003 from Boston, MA ratings out of 10 * Brock Lesnar vs Big Show (4) Lesnar wins to gain entrance to the Rumble match later in the show. Pretty much the same as their Survivor Series except with no title on the line in this one. Pretty standard and only memorable for Lesnar connecting the F5 on Big Show.* Regal & Storm vs The Dudley Boyz (3) Duds win the titles here in a very uninspired match. Lasts maybe 5 minutes. Forgettable despite the title change.* Torrie Wilson vs. Dawn Marie (DUD) Nuff said about this garbage. Instead of the logical brawl these two should have had, they went out there and tried to wrestle a technically sound match. Not a good idea. Skip this one.* Triple H vs Scott Steiner (DUD) To quote Randy Quaid in Days of Thunder, this one looked like a "monkey screwing a football". Steiner proves that he is washed up. Helmsley did everything he could to sell his crappy array of clotheslines and suplexes. Crowd quickly turns on Steiner which would have made this match pretty funny had it not been so god awful to watch.* Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit (9) This is where to start watching the show. One of the best WWE title matches in a while. Couldn't quite give this one a 10 because of some of the headlocks early. Other than that, there are no other complaints about this match. If you're a wrestling fan, you can;t not like what these guys accomplished here.* Brock Lesnar won the Rumble match (6) Its hard to grade these matches since they are so long and involve so many men. There were many good moments in this particular Rumble including Jericho's attack of HBK and HBK's eventual payback. Not a bad way to spend 60 minutes however I would have liked to a see a more dramatic finish.
acdance Brock Lesner vs. Big Show: Good opener. Short but sweet match. 7/10The Dudley Boyz vs. Lance Storm & William Regal: Another short but decent match. For those with table fetish, you don't get one. 7/10Dawn Marie vs. Torrie Wilson: I really didn't think WWE could sink this low. This is, if not the worst, one of the worst angles they ever have came up with. A match like this ruins the whole card. 3/10Scott Steiner vs. Triple H: This match would bore today's wrestling/sports entertainment fans. Not many fancy or high flying menuvers presented in this match. Being a true wrestling fan, I didn't think it was a bad match. This match resembles Harley Race vs. Dory Funk matches in the '70s with violence. 6/10Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit: Until I saw this match between these two fine athletes, Steamboat vs. Savage at Wrestlemania III was my favorite match. This match totally stole the show at Royal Rumble! A match of the year candidate, or decade! 10/1030 Man Royal Rumble: Face paced, as each wrestler shows up every 90 seconds as opposed their two minute gap in the previous Royal Rumbles. Decent rumble overall. Big powerhouses dominate at the end. My least favorite part was WWE Eminem John Cena taking away 90 seconds of rumble match as he does his awful performance. I sincerely hope this fool won't be one of the future main eventers in WWE. 8/10
fluffy_dragon514 The 2003 Royal Rumble will be remembered for two reasons.. Kurt Angle Vs Chris Benoit was a classic match and the Triple H Vs Scott Steiner was one of the worst matches ever witnessed at a p.p.v. The 'actual' Rumble was quite good but we have seen better in recent years.