WWE Insurrextion 2001
WWE Insurrextion 2001
| 01 May 2001 (USA)
WWE Insurrextion 2001 Trailers

Insurrextion (2001) took place on May 5, 2001 at Earls Court in London, England. The main event was a handicap match with The Undertaker facing Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H. In a Queen's Cup match, Chris Jericho faced William Regal. Chris Benoit fought Kurt Angle in a two out of three falls match. There was also a Fatal Four-Way Elimination match between The Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian, The Dudley Boyz, and X-Factor.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
amanwhorocks 1. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Grand Master Sexay - Sexay should be out of PPV. He is annoying, worthless and poor wrestler. Eddie won. 6.5/10 2. Perry Saturn/Dean Malenko Vs. Hardcore & Crash Holly - Funny Saturn With like Hogan dyed beards. :) 7/10 3. Big Show Vs. Bradhsaw - I like on that thing How Bradshaw took Big Show down with Clothesline from Hell! 7/104. X-Pac/Justin Credible Vs. Dudley Boyz Vs. Edge & Christian Vs. Hardy Boyz - Elimination 4 tag team match. X-factor went first, then Hardyz and whole match won E&C. Rhyno appeared and speared Bubba. 8/10 5. Women's Battle Royal - Didn't took a place cus Right of Censor. Lita Trish and Jacquie stripped Ivory. :) 6.5/10 6. Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit - Benoit won in a classic wrestling match, cleanly! But previous PPV match was better. 8/10 7. William Regal Vs. Chris Jericho - Match was for Queen's cup, Jericho won it. 7.5/10 8. WWF Triple Threat Title Match: Triple H Vs. The Undertaker Vs. Stone Cold - The great part of the match ate punches and kicks, and the ending was little bit screw on fans, Taker won but pinned HHH and WWF belt has Austin. 6.5/10
spikelovesbuffy2002 WWF World/Intercontinental/Tag Team Titles: Steve Austin & Triple H vs. Kane & The Undertaker, WWF European Title: Matt Hardy vs. Eddy Guererro vs. Christian, WWF Hardcore Title: Rhyno vs. Raven, 30 Minute Submission Match: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, Dutchess of Queensbury Rules: William Regal vs. Chris Jericho, Last Man Standing: Shane McMahon vs. The Big Show, X-Factor vs. The Dudley Boyz & Spike DudleyPRETTY GOOD SHOW OVERALL
Big Movie Fan Backlash 2001 was quite disappointing in my opinion. The main event itself was pretty unspectacular and I thought the rest of the card was as well. In fact there were only two matches that stood out.The first was the Submission match between Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit-they put on a fantastic old style wrestlefest which really stood out in today's soap opera style wrestling. The match was awesome.William Regal faced Chris Jericho in a Duchess of Queensbury Rules match. I cannot explain the rules simply because the arrogant Regal kept changing them to suit his needs throughout whenever he was losing. It was a decent enough match as far as the wrestling went and it was brilliant in that it was a great comedy match.Check out Backlash 2001 for the above two matches.
rcuppen79 Backlash certainly isn´t the best Pay-Per-View event of the year 2001 as far as the WWF is concerned. Therefor this event doesn´t have a very interesting main-event and too less good matches. A short summary: 6-Man Tag-Team Match: Dudley Boyz vs. X-Pac, Justin Credible & AlbertI´m not really a fan favorite when it comes to tag-team matches and this one certainly isn´t a memorable tag-team match. Average in every way I would say.Hardcore Championship Match: Raven vs. Rhyno This match is one of the highlights of this pay-per-view. Brutal and very entertaining. A good match between these two former ECW-superstars. Triple-Threat European Championship Match: Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Eddie Guerrero. Also not a very memorable match-up. I had expected a little bit more from these three very unique and very extraordinary athletes. Duchess of Queensberry Rules Match: William Regal vs. Chris JerichoThese kind of childish matches give the WWF a bad name. When you purchase this movie I would skip this part because it´s not worth it. 30-minute ultimate submission match: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt AngleA rematch after their match at Wrestlemania. I think this match is better than their Wrestlemania match, but it´s too long in my opinion. I think it would have been better if it was a 20-minute submission match. But hey, if you are a Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit fan you will certainly enjoy it. Last Man Standing Match: Shane McMahon vs. Big Show Matches like this proves that the WWF doesn´t take itself too serious. An average sized Shane McMahon (6´1, 200 lbs) takes on the biggest wrestler in the WWF: The Big Show (7´2, 500 lbs). And he even stands a chance. I´m a big fan of the Big Show, so I kind of hated this match. The only memorable thing of this match is Shane McMahon´s elbow drop of a 50 ft high Titantron. Three Titles on the line: Stone Cold Steve Austin & Triple H vs. The Undertaker & Kane Main-event of the evening and like I said I´m not a fan favorite of tag-team matches. Certainly not when it comes to main-event tag-team matches, because they are always so predictable. There were three titles on the line in this match. The WWF Championship from Stone Cold, The Intercontinental Championship from Triple H and the Tag-Team Championships from The Undertaker & Kane.In the end I can say that Backlash 2001 wasn´t a great pay-per-view because it lacks too few great match-ups with good storylines.