WWE In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies
WWE In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies
NR | 28 April 1996 (USA)
WWE In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies Trailers

In Your House: Good Friends, Better Enemies features Goldust defending the WWE Intercontinental Title vs. The Ultimate Warrior. Razor Ramon battles Vader. No Holds Barred match for WWE Championship pits Shawn Michaels against Diesel!

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: Owen Hart and The British Bulldog vs Jake Roberts and Ahmed Johnson. A slow match to start the show off, that'll be the running theme for this show. I don't mind slower matches, but the match just drags on for over 10 minutes until Bulldog gets the win. Boring, next. Rating: 1.5/52nd Match: Goldust vs The Ultimate Warrior, WWF International Championship. This is just stalling, there are some funny moments, but it's just 7 minutes of stalling until Goldust finally gets counted out. No rating for this, but I'll hold it against the show as a whole for being over 7 minutes of nothing. Rating: None3rd Match: Razor Ramon vs Vader. This would be Hall's last show before going to WCW, so losing to Vader made sense. He puts up a good fight though, the match has the best pace out of all the matches so far. Hopefully Hall does well in WCW when I see him again in a couple of shows. Rating: 3/54th Match: The Bodydonnas vs The Godwinns, WWF Tag Team Championships. A short match with nothing really interesting in it. The match only exists to really have another title match on the show, so it's just going through the motions. At least it's short, that's something. Rating: 2/55th Match: Shawn Michaels vs Diesel, No Holds Barred match for the WWF Championship. The match of the night, but mostly because everything before it was OK at best. Not as hard hitting as Bret and Nash's match at Survivor Series '95, but there are some good moments. Nash goes full heel here, putting Shawn through the announce table, and even taking off a prosthetic leg from a retired wrestler in the audience. That gets huge heat, almost too much if you ask me, but Shawn wins, so it's all good. I would've preferred a rematch between him and Bret, but this is an alright substitute. Nash would jump ship with Hall to WCW in a couple months also, so it was a good match for him to go out on. Rating: 4/5Final Rating: 4 out of 10. The show isn't good, the only above average match is Shawn's match, which in the grand scheme of things isn't as good as other matches from him you could watch. The show needed guys like Taker and Bret in it to keep from being stale. I will say this though, the show's less than 2 hours, I'd rather watch a bad show that's short instead of a terrible show that's almost 3 hours long.
amanwhorocks 1. 1-2-3 Kid Vs. Marc Mero - Johnny B. Badd left WCW for WWF - That was good bout but HHH caused DQ 7/10 2. The British Bulldog/Owen Hart Vs. Jake Roberts/Ahmed Johnson - I don't know, Roberts had his spot in pro-wrestling in early 90s, he doesn't work for me in 1996. Bulldoq pinned him. 6/10 3. Intercontinetal Championship: The Ultimate Warrior Vs. Champ-Goldust(entranced first...) - No match, only insult. hate "I'm stuck in 80s" Warrior. 1/10 4. Vader Vs. Razor Ramon - Yes, clean victory for Vader in decent match. 7/10 5. WWF tag Team Championship: The Godwinns Vs. Champs-The Bodydonnas - Candido did great work but match wasn't memorable 5.5/10 6. WWF World Heavyweight No Holds Barred match: Diesel Vs. Champ-Shawn Michaels - Shawn retained in last Diesel's WWF match. 6.5/10
bh_tafe3 In Your House 7 was easily the weakest such PPV since the third instalment, but wasn't a complete waste of time. After his stunning title loss at Wrestlemania 12 Bret Hart left the WWE for most of 1996, leaving WWE Champion Shawn Michaels to re ignite his rivalry with former friend Diesel for this PPV. Also at Wrestlemania 12, The Ultimate Warrior had returned to the WWE with an emphatic victory over Hunter Hearst Helmsley and here would try and win the Intercontinental Championship from Goldust.The night started off with a rather bad tag match, won by Owen Hart and the British Bulldog over Ahmed Johnson and Jake Roberts. Roberts, unfortunately, was just about gone by this stage and Johnson was poor worker on his best day. Hart and Bulldog didn't have their finest hour in this match either. Shame it existed really. This match came about as a result of the opening match at Wrestlemania 12. Bulldog won after illegally using manager Jim Cornette's tennis racket to take out Robert's knee and forcing him to submit with a boston crab.Next came the big IC Title match between Goldust and the Ultimate Warrior. This was not a good match. Goldust, over powered by the Warrior, got himself counted out to retain the title.Vader then defeated Razor Ramon in on of "The Mastodon's" better WWE matches. Not terrific, but blows away anything on the card up until this point.Next up saw WWE Tag Team Champions the Body Donnas (Skip and Zip) defeat the Godwinn Brothers Henry and Phineas in a pretty average match. Tag team wrestling was rather weak at this point in time and this match was a pretty good example of that.This brings us to the main event, in which Shawn Michaels defeated Kevin Nash with Sweet Chin Music after hitting him with a prosthetic leg he'd stolen from a spectator. This was far and away the best match of the night and was quite enjoyable, despite the silliness with the leg.So a pretty forgettable night, probably the weakest In Your House PPV so far.
Big Movie Fan At certain times in WWF history promoters have put on shows crammed with dozens of matches, most of them meaningless and pointless. On the other side of the coin, promoters have also put on shows with only a few good matches which is better for everyone. In Your House 7 was one of those events.There are only a few matches on here but they are all good(with the exception of one).In an Intercontinental Title match, champion Goldust defended his title against superstar the Ultimate Warrior. Actually, he didn't defend it. He spent most of the match prancing around acting like a fool and there was no proper match, just a load of funny business. At the end the Ultimate Warrior got a few shots in but it cannot be described as a true match.The card had three matches which were absolutely brilliant. Razor Ramon wrestled in his last high profile match before going to the now defunct WCW against the big monster Vader. It was a brilliant match.The late Owen Hart and the late British Bulldog wrestled in a cracking match against the veteran Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Ahmed Johnson in a heated match where you could actually suspend your disbelief and imagine that they were all enemies.In the main event the currently retired Shawn Michaels defended his belt against Diesel who also wrestled in his last high profile match. It was a fantastic match.This was a great card from a fantastic era in WWF history and I just hope Vince McMahon can make the WWF of 2002 as good as past WWF eras.