Women in Fury
Women in Fury
| 28 August 1985 (USA)
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The young, pretty and shy Angela Duvall is jailed for murder in some Latin American country. In the prison she gets brutally "initiated" by the other inmates. The nice, honest and handsome prison doctor believe she's innocent and tries to help her out.

Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Aryana Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Catherina If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
Aspen Orson There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
Leofwine_draca I was thinking that WOMEN IN FURY would be another run of the mill women-in-prison film, the type of which I'm not very fond. These films always seem plot less and uninspired, filling out their running time with lesbian sex scenes and silly cat fights. However, this film is something more. First off, it's supposedly based on a true story, and there's a sub plot which takes entirely outside the prison which shows a doctor's attempts to prove an inmate's innocence. Secondly, only the first half of the film takes place in the prison. During this section, we're subject to the usual cat fights, lesbian coupling, and copious nudity, this time from an attractive cast. Then, at around the halfway mark, there's a surprise decapitation followed by a jail break and then the film becomes a jungle adventure yarn, following the trials of a handful of women attempting to escape from the guards and dogs pursuing them.This film has action and excitement in spades and the surprise is that it's all rather good. Director Michele Massimo Tarantini, who also made the equally fun MASSACRE IN DINOSAUR VALLEY, knows how to stage an effective fight or shoot-out and the use of lush Brazilian locations add a level of sweaty realism that would be otherwise missing. The cast is undistinguished, but they put in generally good performances for a B-movie. This film has it all: explosions, shoot-outs, gore, violent attacks, cat fights, snakes, wall scaling, beheadings, tough inmates, a despicable villain, and my favourite character, a hulking black woman prisoner who steals all her scenes. So far, this is the most entertaining women in prison flick I've watched thanks to Tarantini's willingness to think outside the box.
Woodyanders Sweet and innocent Angela Duvall (a solid and sympathetic performance by smoldering hot brunette stunner Suzane Carvalho, who quit acting in the late 80's and became a professional race car driver) goes to a harsh women's prison for a murder that was actually committed by her pathetic weakling brother brother Sergio (an appropriately hateful and sniveling Paulo Guarnieri). Naturally, both the nasty guards and vicious inmates alike immediately start lusting after Angela's delectably voluptuous body. Angela and several other hardened felons escape and go on the lam in the dangerous Brazilian jungle. Writer/director Michele Massimo Tarantini, who also blessed us with the deliciously trashy trekking through the jungle action/adventure romp "Massacre in Dinosaur Valley," really delivers the satisfyingly seamy lowdown scuzzy goods: we've got copious tasty distaff nudity, lurid lesbianism (the lascivious head matron has her bawdy way with Angela in an incredibly torrid tryst), sadistic beatdowns, a sizable smattering of bloody violence, rough'n'tumble catfights, leering soft-core sex, the inevitable wild riot, and even a couple of snake attacks. The acting is pretty decent for the genre, with particularly notable contributions by Henri Pagnoncelli as crusading nice guy physician Dr. Cuna and Leonard Jose as the mean and ruthless Captain Bonifacio. Aida Marques' basic cinematography gives the picture a suitably grimy look. Remo Usai's funky score also does the trick. The sordid south-of-the-border setting adds an extra spicy exotic flavor. Worth a look for babes-behind-bars buffs.
The_Void I've seen a handful of women in prison films, and one thing I thought I'd never see was a half decent one! Trust the director of the brilliant Massacre in Dinosaur Valley to come up with something more fun than the average women in prison flick! The film is not too different from the masses of trash directed by the likes of Jess Franco in the way that it's plotted, but Michele Massimo Tarantini forsakes overly graphic hardcore porn for a more story based approach, and that really does the film benefit as despite lacking what some may be watching for; Women in Fury is at least entertaining, and it's also the only women in prison flick that I'd consider watching again! Naturally, the plot focuses on a women's prison. The central character is Angela Duvall, a young woman wrongly sent to a Brazilian prison after supposedly murdering a drug dealer. She soon finds that there are lots of lesbians in jail in Brazil, and after being initiated into the prison by her fellow inmates and the guards, an opportunity to escape beckons, and Angela takes it...As previously mentioned, this film does not feature as much sex and sleaze as many women in prison flicks, but that's not to say it doesn't feature any! The fact that it's not wall to wall sleaze really does do it benefit; the sex itself is graphic, but not overly graphic, and while many women in prison film grind to a halt as a result of too much graphic sex, this one always has the story to fall back on; which gives it a strong backbone. Aside from the sex and sleaze, there's also a fair amount of violence featured, which is nice and while this isn't as shocking as many genre films; it's still a brutal picture and I'm sure it has enough grit about it to please most fans of cult cinema. The women featured are mostly nice to look at and the lesbian sex scenes are well filmed. The way that the film changes from prison drama to a chase through the neighbouring jungle is good, and while overall I can't really profess this to be a brilliant film - I will say it's the best women in prison flick that I've seen, and it's the only one that I'd give high recommendations for.
HumanoidOfFlesh Covering for her brother,who killed a Brazillian drug lord,Angela Duvall is sent to women's prison.She quickly attracts the sexual advances of a female prison guard as well as the other prisoners.Between attacks from her cell-mates and the murdered drug dealer's henchmen,Angela must escape into the jungle to survive."Women In Fury" is a typical Italian WIP movie.It offers plenty of nudity and lesbianism,so I was pleased.Unfortunately too much of the film's running time is spent with the doctor's efforts to win Angela's release and the jungle trek of the fugitives.Still Suzane Carvalho is a real beauty with a very nice body.Give it a look,if you are a fan of Italian exploitation cinema.7 out of 10.