Witness in the Dark
Witness in the Dark
| 01 December 1959 (USA)
Witness in the Dark Trailers

A killer breaks into an apartment to steal a valuable brooch. He kills an old woman, but in fleeing he encounters a young woman on the stairs who will become his target.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
howardmorley It's not the length of the film but how effective it is to the viewer."Witness in the Dark" is no exception and is a classic Briish cast "B" feature such as one saw in the 1950s along with Pathe News, a Cartoon and of course the big feature film.I am 70 years old and can well remember going to the cinema then to see the aforementioned full programme.Nigel Green who played "The Intruder" in this film, I remember playing a patient recovering from a broken arm in the 1956 film "Reach for the Sky" who accompanied Douglas Bader (Kenneth More) to a cafeteria with another recovering R.A.F. pilot (Jack Watling) in a 20s Bentley.The subject film is a cracking thriller, well written, well cast and well directed which held my attention.There is a hint at the end that the police inspector may have had amatory intentions on Patricia Dainton's character.We want her to have a happy life after losing her fiancé and her sight in a car accident in France 5 years before.A Good production with minimal cost, I rated it 7/10.
Leofwine_draca WITNESS IN THE DARK is a brisk and efficiently-staged 'blind person in peril' type thriller boasting a fine leading performance from the rather lovely Patricia Dainton, who was to pack in her career shortly afterwards in favour of a sedate family life. I think cinema suffered from the loss because Dainton enlivened and lifted many a B-movie out of the doldrums by her presence and charisma alone, and WITNESS IN THE DARK is no exception.Given that this is a cheap British B-movie with a short running time, the story is straightforward. A thief is driven to murder and the only witness to stand against him is a blind woman. I was delighted to find out that Nigel Green plays a crucial role in the film, cast against type and very good and tense with it. Conrad Phillips is the likable detective on the case. The direction is provided by the hardworking Wolf Rilla, a year before he made the classic VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED. Thrills, twists, humour, and cold-blooded murder; it's all here, and I like to think that Hitchcock himself would have been proud of it.
malcolmgsw This is a neat little thriller which stars Conrad Phillips who published his biography on the net.It features Patricia Dainton as a blind girl who passes the killer on the stairs but is of course unable to recognise him.Nigel Green is the killer,his identity is not cloaked.Green is very effective in this role.He had a reasonable career but sadly he committed suicide at an early age.The film dwells on the predicament of the blind girl.She is used as bait to trap the killer when he is drawn to visit her in the bogus guise of a newspaper photographer.Films such as this supported the big spectacular from Hollywood,however if truth be told they were often better than the film's they supported.
GUENOT PHILIPPE I enjoyed this little UK thriller, a very short one - 62mn. Not an action packed, shot only indoors, two or three sets, perhaps four.No many characters, but very effective.The tale of a blind girl who, by accident, crosses the path of a thief turned killer, who have just murdered the upper flat neighbour - and friend - of the same blind girl.Of course, there is a police investigation. Cops searching traces of the killer, and asking for help of the blind girl.i won't say that's a fascinating movie but, unlikely many others of this kind, it's not boring at all. We expect a love affair between the detective in charge of the case and the blind girl; but it seems that we an still wait for it...I'll put it between Blink and Blind Terror, and perhaps Jennifer Eight. But don't remember if this latest film is about a blind girl...SorryWolf Rilla directed Village of the Damned just after this one. And some years later, he made a remake of Asphalt Jungle: "Cairo".