WitchSlayer Gretl
WitchSlayer Gretl
| 25 February 2012 (USA)
WitchSlayer Gretl Trailers

Twenty years after his encounter with the witch, a grown-up Hansel returns to the haunted forest, seeking revenge.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
John Zappulla How can anyone in the movie industry show their faces in Hollywood if they were associated with this complete failure.The screenplay had to have been written by an autistic child of around 7 years of age. No, a 7 year old autistic child could have dome much better. Let's talk special effects. Nothing special about these effects. Terrible and pure 100% amateur. There was a main character of some sort of dog like dragon that was completely animated in a Sims game and screen captured to appear in this disaster. It was so poorly done. Everything about this is poorly done. Looks like they did the entire movie on a budget of $25.00 and spent it all on craft services. 90% of the film takes place in a forest and 10% in what is supposed to be a cave. SO don't look for any mouth watering landscape to fill this turd out. Back to special effects; all the fighting scenes were so poorly scripted and unrehearsed they were actually painful to watch. There were supposed to be all these fancy weapons that just stopped working 1/2 way through the film so they actually stopped putting them in, but the characters were still acting as if they had these weapons in their hands. That had to be the funniest part of this trash. And this was not a comedy by any stretch of the imagination. Then there was the lack of actors. Paul McGillion plays Hansel and he really needs to give all the money his mother spent for acting lessons back to his mother. She wasted her money, I guarantee he never went to the lessons. His entire performance was at the same boring level of a man who just lost his cat. It was that exciting. And sorry, but horse-faced Sarain Boylan was just as painful, trying to ad lib an empty script. Shannen Doherty was given twice her normal daily allotment of Oxycontin and fell asleep at least 4 times while mumbling her lines. Why oh why did you people continue on this complete waste of time? The best part of this tragedy was the end credits.
zardoz-13 "Witchslayer Getl" ranks as an abysmal broth of sub-par special effects swirled with a sorry thesping. This reimagined Grimm's fairy tale about an adult Hansel searching for his long-lost sister who he believes has been killed is hokum. The way that "Stargate: Atlantis" actor Paul McGillion lets his mouth hang open makes him look a little like actor Jason Bateman; okay, McGillion looks like a bearded, middle-aged Jason Bateman out there slaying witches without a qualm. The cast appear to have appropriated their wardrobe from the local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Indeed, they wander alternately through real woods and then ersatz wooded sets wearing Renaissance Era attire and utter forgettable dialogue. Despite all these yesteryear trappings, our hero and heroine come equipped with necklaces featuring ear-buds which enable them to communicate over vast distances. Occasionally, a synthetic gargoyle flaps its way out of the wild blue to menace them. Poor Paul McGillion straddles one of theses supernatural beastie at one point and whacks it with a wand. It seems that an evil witch has taken possession of his sister body. Shannon Doherty of "Heathers" plays Hansel's sister. Wow, has she gone to seed. The Angela Mancuso & Brook Durham story/teleplay is both predictable and humorless. This original SyFy Channel presentation is incredibly egregious. If you've read this far, you're probably wondering why I let myself suffer through this ghastly nonsense. I spotted it in at a local Redbox and thought I'd prepare myself for the forthcoming "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters." Mind you, I sat through it once simply because I shelled out the loot to rent it. Anybody who bewitches themselves into watching this so they can compare it with the Jeremy Renner & Gemma Arterton epic is wasting their time. Yuck!!!
movieman_kev It might be possible to make a good updated version of Hansel and Gretel but this trifling Syfy original is decidedly NOT it. Choosing to merely throw the hapless viewer into the 'thick' of things with Hansel now being a master witch slayer doing his thing, which I surmise is shooting arrows while poorly CGI'd fireballs come his way. It doesn't get better from there. Charectization is supremely dull when it's not downright confusing, couple that with characters I don't really give two tosses about and it's a recipe for massive boredom. I only got through it only to review, condemn and steer you clear of watching this mess. Also if you're a fan of Shannon Doherty be prepared to be doubly disappointed as she's woefully underused.My Grade: D-
GrahamGibby If you finished the title of this review without thinking, you're familiar with the flavor of "Gretl: Witch Hunter."Saturday afternoon matinée sword 'n sorcery at it's middlest. The anachronisms might cause you to throw your (empty) beer at the screen, but in mock anger, much like the actors.The conditions I watched this under weren't the best, so I won't speak to cinematography, but the FX match up with the latter episodes of Xena, though not quite to Legend of the Seeker or certainly Game of Thrones, but, well...If you have a few hours, a few beers, and maybe a good friend to laugh with, it's not time completely wasted.